Spoken December 7
Bg 2.1 Lecture
Bhagavad-gītā 2.1 Prabhupāda: " ...uvāca taṁ tathā kṛpayāviṣṭam aśru-pūrṇākulekṣaṇam viṣīdantam idaṁ vākyam uvāca madhusūdanaḥ [Bg. 2.1]" Madhusūdana. Kṛṣṇa is described here as Madhusūdana, the killer of the demon Madhu. Indian man:Prabhupāda:Indian man:Prabhupāda:Indian man:Prabhupāda:Indian man:Prabhupāda:Indian man:Prabhupāda:Indian man:Prabhupāda:Indian man:Prabhupāda:Indian man:Prabhupāda:Indian man:Prabhupāda:Indian man:Prabhupāda:Indian man:Prabhupāda:Indian man:Prabhupāda:India…
Morning Walk
Śrutakīrti: [introducing tape] December 7, 1973, morning walk. Prajāpati: ...last hundred and fifty years, one of the major problems of Western theologians has been the relationship between reason and faith. They’ve been seeking to understand faith through reason, but they have not been able to come to any terms of the relationship between their reasoning abilities and faith. So therePrabhupāda:Prajāpati:Prabhupāda:Hṛdayānanda:Prabhupāda:Karandhara:Prabhupāda:Satsvarūpa:Prabhupāda…
SB 1.15.29
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.15.29 Pradyumna: Translation: “Arjuna’s constant remembrance of the lotus feet of Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa rapidly increased his devotion, and as a result all the trash in his thoughts subsided.” [] Prabhupāda: So material existence means full of anxieties. This is the sum and substance of material existence. Everyone is full of anxieties, not only humans. Just like Karandhara was speaking, there are so many bad news. What is that? Where is Karandhara?Karandhara:Prabhupāda:…
Morning Walk
Akṣayānanda: ...from Agra came yesterday, Prabhupāda. He wants to live with us. He knows Hindi. He’s a teacher. He’s a doctor. He’s a writer. He’s very, very nice. I’ll bring him to you today. Prabhupāda: He knows English also? Akṣayānanda: English very well. Very humble, and he wants to teach. If he can stay in Vṛndāvana I think it will be very, very beneficial for us.Prabhupāda:Akṣayānanda:Prabhupāda:Akṣayānanda:Prabhupāda:Akṣayānanda:Prabhupāda:Guṇārṇava:Prabhupāda:Akṣayānanda:Prabhupāda:Ak…
Morning Walk
Mahāṁśa: ...plant more trees, orchard for fruits and flowers, flower garden. So there will be plenty of flowers for the altar in Hyderabad every day and for the programs here. [break] Prabhupāda: ...walking road. Mahāṁśa: Yes. This road also, we want to extend it all the way to the end of the land.Prabhupāda:Mahāṁśa:Devotee (1):Prabhupāda:Mahāṁśa:Prabhupāda:Mahāṁśa:Prabhupāda:Mahāṁśa:Prabhupāda:Mahāṁśa:Prabhupāda:Devotee (2):Mahāṁśa:Prabhupāda:Indian man:Prabhupāda:Jagad-guru:Prabhupāda:Devote…
Room Conversation
Prabhupāda: There is no arrangement for producing vegetable? Mahāṁśa: We just finished one harvest, Prabhupāda, and now the second harvest is already in the ground. Prabhupāda: So what kind of harvest? You finish and then you have to wait for six months for the second one. Mahāṁśa: Now we are designing one plot for continuousPrabhupāda:Mahāṁśa:Prabhupāda:Haṁsadūta:Prabhupāda:Tejiyas:Prabhupāda:Mahāṁśa:Prabhupāda:Mahāṁśa:Prabhupāda:Mahāṁśa:Prabhupāda:Mahāṁśa:Prabhupāda:Mahāṁśa:Prabhupāda:Mahāṁ…
Letters December 7
Brahmananda My dear Brahmananda, Please accept my blessings. I’m in due receipt of your letter of Nov. 30, and I duly appreciate your program for European tour, as well as coming to India for doing business. Actually we are experiencing Indian business dealing as not very prompt. The best thing is therefore to purchase goods ourselves from the firm, pack and book it all ourselves. SS Brijbasi has...
Aniruddha My dear Aniruddha, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated December 2, 1969, and it is very encouraging that Saci Devi is coming. I know she is a very nice girl, so if you agree to marry her, then you must treat her very nicely so that you can live very peacefully. Our marriages are never meant for separation. You must live together very peacefully in all circumstances....
My dear Hansadutta, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated November 28, 1969. I could not check my laughing when you have said so many things in bereavement for asking me to serve in the university. There is no question of bereavement. A child sometimes commits mistakes, and the father says
Ranadhir My Dear Ranadhir, Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you for your letter dated November 23, 1969. I am so pleased to learn of the increased development of New Vrindaban. Please now try to organize a children’s school. This is one of our programs in New Vrindaban, and there is Hayagriva, Kirtanananda, Satyabhama, Shama Dasi, Paramananda and yourself. You can form a school committee...
Sridhara Maharaja My dear Sridhara Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances. I hope you are keeping good health and everything is going well there. Srila Prabhupada desired that a temple should be established in the center of London, so you will be pleased to know this is going to take place on the Odansasthi Day, December 14th, in a 5-story house situated in the most important quarters of central...
Tirtha Maharaja My dear Tirtha Maharaja, Kindly accept my humble obeisances. I hope you are in good health and everything is going all right. You will be pleased to know that we are going to install Radha-Krishna Deities in our London temple on the Odansasthi auspicious day, December 14th. This 5-story building temple is situated in the central part of London, very respectable quarters, just a few...
Hrdayananda Los Angeles My dear Hrdayananda Maharaja, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 22 November 1975 and the new books in Portuguese and Spanish. They are very nice and the reports of sales are also very encouraging. If Radhavallabha Prabhu can help you that is all right, but you have to discuss this with the BBT trustees.
Rupanuga New York My dear Rupanuga Prabhu, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 24, 1975. Upon seeing the pictures of the doll exhibit I thought it was some of our devotees play acting. This boy Saptaratha Das has done the dolls very very nicely, now make a museum for the public. This doll making was one of the programs of my Guru Maharaja, and the...
Sivarama Winnepeg My dear Sivarama Prabhu, Please accept my greetings. From your report I can understand that things are going on there very nicely. When I first came to America I never imagined that this movement would spread so far and wide. I thought that my Guru Maharaja has ordered me to try to spread his teachings in the English language, so let me try. In a country where everyone is trained...
Yasomatinandana Ahmedabad My dear Yasomatinandana Prabhu, Please accept my blessings. You wanted one white assistant for facilitation of your work in Ahmedabad, so we have selected the best man for this work, Sriman Hai Haya Das Adhikari. I understand that you wrote one letter to Gopala Krishna disapproving sending Hai Haya. He is approved manager and why you thought that there is some politics....
Yogescandra New York My dear Yogescandra Prabhu, Please accept my blessings. Thank you for your letter dated December 2, 1975. You always have my blessings, the father always wishes that the son may be more successful than himself. This is the spiritual conception. If one is doing well, then the materialistic persons become envious and try to check his progress. This was actually so with Prahlada...
Pancaratna Mayapur My dear Pancaratna, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 2nd November, 1976. Yes, try to make Bhagavata Darsana a regular monthly journal. We have got enough material. Simply it has to be translated to Bengali. Either from old Back to Godheads or from our books.