Spoken November 28
Bg 9.13 Lecture
Prabhupāda: " mahātmānas tu māṁ pārtha daivīṁ prakṛtim āśritāḥ bhajanty ananya-manaso jñātvā bhūtādim avyayam [Bg. 9.13]" Now, Lord Kṛṣṇa says that who are the mahātmās. The symptom of mahātmā is that he knows that the Supreme Lord, Śrī Kṛṣṇa, is the original Personality of Godhead, and He is the fountainhead and source of all emanation.
Cc. Madhya 20.137
Prabhupāda: " na sādhayati māṁ yogaḥ na sāṅkhyaṁ dharma uddhava na svādhyāyas tapas tyāgaḥ yathā bhaktir mamorjitā" So Lord Caitanya explained to the poverty-stricken man that simile. The astrologer is foretelling the poverty-stricken man that
Bg 2.24 Lecture
Bhagavad-gītā 2.24 Prabhupāda: " acchedyo ‘yam adāhyo ‘yam akledyo ‘śoṣya eva ca nityaḥ sarva-gataḥ sthāṇur acalo ‘yaṁ sanātanaḥ [Bg. 2.24]" Here is the import of sanātana. Nityaḥ sarva-gataḥ sthāṇur acalo ‘yaṁ sanātanaḥ. SanātanaIndian man (1):Prabhupāda:Indian man (2):Prabhupāda:Indian man (2):Prabhupāda:Indian man (2):Prabhupāda:Indian man (2):Prabhupāda:Indian man (2):Prabhupāda:Indian man (2):Prabhupāda:Indian man (2):Prabhupāda:Indian man (2):Prabhupāda:Indian man (2):Prabhupāda:In…
SB 3.25.28
Nitāi: Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. [devotees repeat] [leads chanting of verse, etc.] " devahūtir uvāca kācit tvayy ucitā bhaktiḥ kīdṛśī mama gocarā yayā padaṁ te nirvāṇamPrabhupāda:Devotees:
SB 5.5.1
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 5.5.1 Prabhupāda: Hmm. What is that? Plain water bring. " śri-ṛṣabha uvāca nāyaṁ deho deha-bhājāṁ nṛloke kaṣṭān kāmān arhate viḍ-bhujāṁ ye tapo divyaṁ putrakā yena sattvaṁ śuddhyed yasmād brahma-saukhyaṁ tv anantamGuest (1):Prabhupāda:Guest (1):Prabhupāda:Guest (1):Prabhupāda:Guest (1):Prabhupāda:Guest (1):Prabhupāda:Guest (1):Prabhupāda:Guest (1):Prabhupāda:Guest (1):Guest (2):Prabhupāda:Guest (2):Prabhupāda:Guest (2):Prabhupāda:Guest (3):Prabhupāda:Guest (3):Prabhupāda…
SB 5.6.6
Pradyumna: Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. [devotees repeat] [leads chanting, etc.] " athaivam akhila-loka-pāla-lalāmo ‘pi vilakṣaṇair jaḍavad avadhūta-veṣa-bhāṣā-caritair avilakṣita-bhagavat-prabhāvo yogināṁ sāmparāya-vidhim anuśikṣayan sva-kalevaraṁ jihāsur ātmany ātmānam asaṁvyavahitam anarthāntara-bhāvenānvīkṣamāṇa uparatānuvṛttir upararāmaPrabhupāda:Indian man:Prabhupāda:Devotees:
Letters November 28
Nandarani My dear Nandarani, Please accept my blessings. I am so glad to receive your letter dated Nov. 16, 1967. I was as much anxious to return to San Francisco and then to your place Los Angeles. It was almost finalized that I should start on the 23rd Nov. but due to the political strikes in Calcutta things have taken a different turn. I am just waiting for the opportune moment. Most probably...
My dear Hansadutta, Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter of Nov. 28, 1968, and I have noted the contents carefully. I thank you for your kind sentiments for me, it is very nice. So far Janardana is concerned, I am anxiously awaiting to hear something from him. I consider him as one of the pillars of our society, so please request him to write to me and to inform me of the active...
Gargamuni My dear Gargamuni Maharaja, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 9th November, 1970 along with very nice newspaper clippings. Wherever we may be, if we are engaged in Krishna’s service, that is our success. Bhaktivinode Thakura sung, praying to the Lord, that he would prefer to take His birth as an ant in the house of a devotee than to take birth...
Toronto My dear Jagadisa, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 17th November, 1970 and I am so much enthused to understand how nicely you are distributing our books. Actually these two books, KRSNA book and Nectar of Devotion, are revolutionary to your country. Not only your country, but all over the world. Nobody has any clear idea of God. In hopelessness...
Satsvarupa Boston My dear Satsvarupa, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 17th November, 1970 and I have noted the contents carefully. You write to say that you have asked Karandhara to send some money received for the bookfund to pay for paper. That is alright provided that Karandhara can also continue making payments to Dai Nippon. The problem is that...
Ajita Spanga, Sweden My dear Ajita dasa: Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 16/11/74 and have noted the contents. Upon your recommendation I accept Dvarakesa das Brahmacari for second initiation as twice born brahmana. Enclosed is the sacred thread duly sanctified by me, and the mantra sheet. Now hold a fire sacrifice and he may hear the gayatri mantra through the...
Brooklyn My dear Gopala Krishna das: Please accept my blessings. I have read your letter dated November 21, 1974 addressed to Brahmananda Swami with enclosed picture from “Back to Godhead.” Even they have changed her face, still it was not possible to hide the fact that she is old, like great grandmother. Because you are a devotee you could not tolerate the nonsense. You are a very good boy....
New Vrindaban My dear Jagannatha dasa: Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated November 13, 1974 and have noted the contents. Regarding your joining the travelling party for Sanskrit work, I have no objection, but these things have to be decided amongst yourselves. I do not know how the Press is managed for doing this work. Who will do your work if you leave? These things...
Jayapataka Mayapur My dear Jayapataka Swami: Please accept my blessings. Enclosed please find the copy of the letter to Gaura Govindas das asking him to come to Bombay. Why he has not yet come? I hope this meets you in good health. Your ever well wisher,
Los Angeles My dear Jayatirtha das: Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letters dated October 25 and November 9, 1974 with enclosed receipts from the bank. The business card of Mr. Thomas Orr was not enclosed however. I have also received your cable reading as follows: 13,000 DOLLARS GIVEN BY GURU-KRPA TO ME IN JAPAN LAST MONTH DEPOSITED IN BANK OF AMERICA SAVINGS ACCOUNT NOT...
Satsvarupa Los Angeles My dear Satsvarupa das Goswami: Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated November 20, 1974 from New York. I am very glad to hear of the continued success of the Library distribution program. You know it that I also was selling my books in this way to the schools and colleges and libraries. I would write, then publish, and then distribute without...
New York My dear Sridhara, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 16/11/76. I am very satisfied by the report of your activities. I fully approve your plan to come to India for Kumba Mela and to work mainly in India after that, visiting America every six months to see that everything is going on properly with the life membership program.
Yasomatinandana Ahmedabad My dear Yasomatinandana, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 11/30/76 (somehow mistakenly dated). I am very encouraged by your book distribution report as also your enthusiasm to publish my books in Gujarati. One thing, what is the reason no local men are joining? This is wanted. Then the center there will become strong(Bg. 18.44)

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