September 16

Spoken September 16
Bg 6.40-42 Lecture
Once begun, transcendental life, spiritual life or Kṛṣṇa consciousness, it will never be stopped. You can finish it even some percentage, you have to begin again from that point to further advancement. That is the… That means spiritual asset is never lost. Material asset is lost with this body. As soon as we change our body, whatever we are acquiring materially in this world, house, business, bank balance, field[?], reputation, education, this will be all finished just with the end of this body. Take for example that we sometimes worship our past leaders. In your country, George Washington, or in our country, Gandhi or somebody else. But this is false because you do not know where is that gentleman Washington has gone. We are simply worshiping a shadow. A photograph, a statue. But we do not know where is actually that spirit soul, his transmigration of the soul. The soul goes to another body and we foolishly worship the dead body, which is useless. This is called bhūtejyā. In Sanskrit language it is called bhūtejyā. Ghost worship. Yānti bhūtāni bhūtejyā. So this is only sentiment. But because all the name, fame, assets materially gained, it ends with that body, it remains with that body. Now you have to begin another body according to your own karma. But the spiritual effect which you acquire, that goes with you. Because you are spirit, it goes with the spirit. And the material asset left with this material…
Prabhupāda: They are working so hard, just like animals, simply for sense gratification. That is the beginning of His speech. But the human form of life is meant for saving time for spiritual cultivation. We should be satisfied with the bare necessities of life, and the time should be saved to cultivate self-realization. That is the basic principle of Vedic civilization. Therefore in Vedic civilization a certain period is devoted for accepting renounced order of life, sannyāsa. Compulsory. This sannyāsa order, as we have accepted, it is compulsory regulative principle of Vedic way of life. The first twenty-five years brahmacārī, strict life of celibacy, student life, without any sex indulgence completely, up to twenty-five years. Then gṛhastha. That is not for also all. If somebody is unable to remain a brahmacārī all through, then the spiritual master gives him permission to marry a suitable girl and become a householder. This is called gṛhastha life. Then, up to fifty years, he can indulge in householder life. Householder life, according to Vedic civilization, is a sort of license for sense gratification. But not for all the time. The injunction is pañcaśordhvaṁ vanaṁ vrajet. Just after your fiftieth year you must give up, retire from householder. That is called vānaprastha. Vānaprastha means you can take your wife with you and travel all over the world in places of holy pilgrimage just to give up your attachment for family life. In this way, when one is completely ...
Morning Walk
Prabhuapda: Yes. Cheaters. Actually they have no knowledge, and they are trying to give knowledge. That is their cheating. They do not admit their imperfectness of knowledge, but they want to give some knowledge, and they are passing on as scientist and philosopher and leaders and getting good, good salary, big salary, making experiment, going to moon planet—simply spoiling money. And poor people are being exacted of the taxes, and they are enjoying life. That’s all. They are practically simply exploiting the innocent people, that’s all, by their forward of so-called scientific knowledge and their resources, income. The government is doing that, and government is supporting all this nonsense. And they will not take actual knowledge. When actual knowledge we want to give, they are not very serious: “Ah, these people are sentimental. We are scientist.” Oh, what, scientists, you have done? Nonsense. [laughs] That is their fault. They do not accept their nonsensical theories. Therefore Kṛṣṇa says, “First of all surrender, you rascal. Then talk of knowledge.” Sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ [Bg. 18.66]. Sarva-dharmān means including science, philosophy, all this. Sarva-dharmān: “Surrender. I shall give you all protection.”
SB 1.3.10, Rādhāṣṭami
Prabhupāda: So, sāṅkhyam. Sāṅkhyam means… Sam means complete; khyam means description. “Complete description of creation.” Kāla-viplutam. There is complete description how the cosmic manifestation is created, but people forget it, kāla-viplutam. So this knowledge is existing since the time of creation. Everything materially created has got six stages. The first stage is creation, and the second stage is growth. The third stage is maintenance, the fourth stage is production, the fifth stage is dwindling, and the sixth stage, vanishing. This is anything material. The scientists, they are very much busy. Just this morning our scientist, Svarūpa Dāmodara, was speaking about an article: the scientists are very much busy that the source of supply is being decreased. Just like petroleum. Petroleum, gas, that is diminishing. Now, whole modern materialistic civilization is depending on the motorcars and aeroplanes, transportation. So if the petroleum supply is stopped, then what will be the condition of the society?
Room Conversation
Prabhupāda: All the Vaiṣṇavas, they are expert. Just like Rūpa, Sanātana, expert management. [indistinct] expert, even in worldly affairs. Not that “I am so much big devotee that I cannot manage worldly affairs.” Expert. Must be expert. Dakṣa. [pause] Prabhupāda: So she can give me the fruits now. So… [break] …intelligent policy to kill India’s spiritual status. Haṁsadūta: To kill India’s spiritual status? Prabhupāda: That was their policy. Because there was one Britisher politician, Lord Macaulay. His report was… He studied the whole Indian situation. They were very expert politicians. So he reported that “If you keep Indians as Indians, you’ll never be able to rule over them. They must be trained up in such a way that they would think their own culture as useless; this Western culture is very good. That impression must be there. Otherwise, you cannot rule over them.” So the education and everything was going on very silently on this principle. Haṁsadūta: Imperceptibly they introduced this. Prabhupāda: Hmm. That is their administration. And that was going on for the last two hundred years. So India lost. At last moment is… [break] …educated persons, they lost. And the mass of people, they were not educated. They have not lost, but they don’t find any good example by the leaders.
SB 1.7.19
Lakṣaṇam. Brāhmaṇa’s lakṣaṇam, kṣatriya’s lakṣaṇam… Lakṣaṇam means symptoms. One must act as a brāhmaṇa. So he is accepted as brahmātmaja. Of course, everyone can claim that his father is like that. But that does not mean he has acquired the father’s qualifications. That is not meaning. And onward the son may claim that “Such and such big man is my father.” Of course, from social point of view, we sometimes give respect, as it will be seen. Aśvatthāmā, because he happened to be a great personality, Droṇācārya, so he was excused from capital punishment. Otherwise, Arjuna decided to kill him. But because he was a very great man’s son, guru-putra, considering that “If he dies, then guru’s wife will be very much unhappy,” Draupadī advised… She was unhappy on account of death of her sons. So they considered that Aśvatthāmā’s mother, she’s innocent, but on account of the son’s death, she would be unhappy. So considering all these points, he was excused from the capital punishment.
Letters September 16
My dear Sripada Gosvami Maharaja, Please accept my respectful obeisances. I am in due receipt of your kind letter dated the 14th instant and I have noted the contents very carefully. I am glad that you have come back to Calcutta from the inundated area of Orissa and am more glad to learn that your holiness is trying to return to Delhi for creating a peaceful atmosphere here.
His Holiness Sripada Bhakti Sundar Govinda Maharaja Sri Caitanya Saraswat Math Kolergunj P.O. Navadvipa, Dist. Nadia (W.Beng.) My dear Sripada Govinda Maharaja, This morning I received two copies of your “Gaudiya Darshan” and I was very glad to see its appearance. When I was at Mathura I heard from Spd. Kesava Maharaja and so also I heard it from Spd Goswami Maharaja that His Holiness Sripada...
Janaki My dear Janaki, Please accept my blessings. I am so glad to receive your letter of Sept 5, 67. I’m so pleased for your writing such nice sentiment. I’ve especially noted that you could express yourself so beautifully. I know both you and your sister have inherited a good heart from your good mother. Your eagerness to get me back in the states will surely be a success because I
Jayananda My dear Jayananda, Please accept my blessings. I’m so glad to receive your letter of Aug 30, and I know also that you are a sincere devotee of Lord Krishna. When you drive your car you always chant “Hare Krishna” and when I was by your side I could understand how heartily you have accepted the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness. Krishna is very kind to all but He is especially kind...
Brahmananda My dear Brahmananda, Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your letter dated September 13rd, 1969. Regarding the press purchasing, it must proceed on, and Krishna will help you. Don’t worry. I understand that you require approximately
My dear Yamuna, Please accept my blessings. I am so much pleased to receive your letter dated Hrsikesa 22, 484 Caitanya Era and I am so glad to learn that our London Temple is very, very well managed under your supervision. Kindly continue this standard of Temple management
Delhi My dear Gurudasa, Please accept my blessings and offer the same to your good wife Yamuna. I am in due receipt of your letters dated 30th August and 6th September, 1971, respectively and have noted the contents carefully. Also enclosed was a copy of the letter to Hans Roy Gupta from K. C. Pant. Thank you for securing this nice letter. You should send a copy of this letter to all our centers...
My dear Tamala Krishna, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 7th September, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. So far taking collections of Rs. 25,000/ each from 100 men if you can make this program successful, then you will fulfill the desire of Krishna very brilliantly. We must have a nice center at Mayapur because we are expecting there students...
All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga! Dear Please accept my most humble obeisances at your feet. Prabhupada just spoke with me regarding the distribution of foreign (other than English) language literature. His direction is that 10% of the gross income on the sales of all of our literatures, books, and magazines, should be sent to The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. The BBT is financing many world-wide...
My dear Bhagavan Das: Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 6.9.73 and have noted the contents. It is all very much encouraging to me. You have got a good temple and good number of devotees, so now you just utilize them in Krsna
Bhaktivedanta Manor My dear Madhavananda Das: Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated September 10, 1974 hand delivered by Paramahamsa Swami with enclosed color photos and cans of ghee. Your success there has given me great pleasure, and I thank you very much for your sincere service in fulfilling the mission of my Guru Maharaja. In the foreign countries you...
Manager of Bank of America The Manager Bank of America Branch #600, Main Office Los Angeles, Cal. U.S.A. Dear Sir: I have advised Liberty Bank, Main Office, Honolulu, Hawaii to transfer ,000.00 to you in favor of our account #6004-7143, International Society for Krishna Consciousness Inc. Mayapur-Vrindaban Fund.

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