September 1
Spoken September 1
Prabhupāda: This name is not different from the original Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa. That is Absolute Truth. Similarly, Kṛṣṇa’s form—we are seeing here Kṛṣṇa’s form—it is not different from the original Personality of Kṛṣṇa. Or Kṛṣṇa’s pastimes—we hear about Kṛṣṇa’s pastimes from Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, Bhagavad-gītā—that subject matter is also not different from Kṛṣṇa.
Kṛṣṇa is absolute. Anything about Kṛṣṇa is Kṛṣṇa. It will be realized gradually. For the time being you have to take it for acceptance that “I am chanting the holy name of Kṛṣṇa. This means that Kṛṣṇa is personally present on my tongue. Therefore I am in direct touch with Kṛṣṇa.” And we should be very careful so that we may not…, offense, commit offenses, as they are being described.
Janmāṣṭamī, Kṛṣṇa Book Reading
Prabhupāda: All these descriptions are required to understand Kṛṣṇa; otherwise these false philosopher and scientist, they take Kṛṣṇa as ordinary human being, anthropomorphism, that they consider that Kṛṣṇa is ordinary man, but some people have accepted Him on account of His some…, uncommon activities, accepted Him as God. That is called anthropomorphism. So to nullify this argument of anthropomorphism so many descriptions about Kṛṣṇa is given here. We are accepting Kṛṣṇa, not by sentiment that we have accepted some human being as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. These are the symptoms described by the demigods. So we should carefully hear.
SB 1.2.1
Prabhupāda: So simply by vibration the atmosphere will be cleansed and purified. Just like when there is thundering sound in the sky, it does not require to understand by any particular language. That very vibration… And the origin of creation is sound. The grosser elements are visible, but the creation takes place from finer elements.
The sound is the symptom of the sky. By sound we can understand that there is sky, ether. Then, by sound vibration, there is circulation of air. And you have got practical experience, when there is very loud sound vibration, sometimes there is very strong wind also. So by sound vibration, the wind is started, and by strong wind, electricity is produced. From electricity, water is produced, perspiration. And from water, earth is produced.
So sound is the original element of creation. In Sanskrit language it is called śabda-brahma. Brahman, or the Absolute Truth, is…, first appears… Absolute Truth becomes knowable by sound. In the Bhagavad-gītā it is said—the Lord says—raso ‘ham apsu kaunteya prabhāsmi śaśi-sūryayoḥ, śabdaḥ khe. Śabda means sound.
Bg 2.31 Lecture
Prabhupāda: Sva means “own,” and dharmam means “occupation.” Dharma means occupation and sva means own. Sva-dharmam: “one’s own occupation.” So according to Vedic civilization, everyone has his own sva-dharma. This has been misinterpreted by the rascals: “Sva-dharma means anyone can discover his own religious principle. Yato mata tato patha. Whatever you think is religious principle, that’s all right.” This is going on. But that is not the meaning. Sva-dharma means own occupation. Actually, dharma means which you cannot give up. Dhṛ-dhātu manu[?]. You have to capture it; to keep your existence you must capture it.
So because we have got body and soul, two different things… We are combination, body and soul. That is already explained very nicely in so many ways. So actually, sva-dharma means the occupation of the soul. Because in the material condition we do not understand what I am—whether I am this body or I am soul. Mostly people they do not know that one is soul, not this body. Body is the dress, or outward covering, external covering. Subtle covering and gross covering. But so long one is in the bodily concept of life, so one has got different occupational duty according to the conception of the body. So the nature is being conducted by three modes of nature. Therefore, according to one’s nature there is occupational duty. That is scientific division. At the present moment there is no such division. Therefore gradually people are degrading to ...
Room Conversation with Peter
Prabhupāda: …that there is no brain behind this creation. How foolish they are.
Peter: Yes.
Prabhupāda: There is no brain in this artistic work. And how wonderfully, because it is automatically coming, artist. Anything you take, flower. So, without brain how this thing can happen? But these rascals, they do not understand. They say “nature.” What is this nature? Nature is an instrument, but the brain is God. Just like you paint a flower with the brush. The brush is not the creator of that painting; you are creator. Similarly, it appears that it is happening naturally. Nature is only brush, but the brain is God.
Room Conversation
Prabhupāda: So you can test. Just like if you are eating, you can understand how much you are getting strength, how much you are satisfied. You haven’t got to ask anybody. Similarly, if you are actually engaged in religious principles, the test is how much you are detached from material attraction and how much you are attached to God. This is the test. Anyone can see whether I am increasing my attachment for dog or whether I am increasing my attachment for God. That’s all. This is test.
Bhaktiḥ pareśānubhavo viraktir anyatra syāt. That is bhakti. Bhakti means God-realization. Bhaktyā mām abhijānāti: “One can understand Me only through bhakti.” So that is first-class religion, bhakti. So if you have got bhakti, then you will realize God daily, every moment. That is real understanding. So by becoming a follower of [indistinct] Thakur, whether we have developed that Kṛṣṇa consciousness or not, that is the test. But how can I say? It is up to you. That is up to you.
Morning Walk
Prabhupāda: They make analysis: “This is good; this is bad.” The whole thing is bad, they do not understand. Dvaite bhadrābhadra sakale samana, ei bhala ei manda saba manodharma. A mental concoction we analyze: “This is good; this is…” And because the whole population is such rascals, therefore we see whole world they are creating government, they are making this advancement, taking… Everything is spoiled. That they do not understand, that “We have tried so far, scientifically, and this way and that way. Why there are so many things disturbing and miserable?” The whole policy is to give you trouble.
That is the material nature. You must be always in trouble—ādhyātmika, ādhibhautika. “No.” They will say, “No, this trouble is better than that trouble.” [laughter] This is the… “This trouble is better than that trouble.” Hare Kṛṣṇa. This Dr. Ghosh, he said… When he was student in Calcutta he was doctor of tropical medicine. So one English doctor was his professor, Colonel Mellar[?]. So he was lecturing and… Now the friends have come to greet. He said that “In our country seventy-five percent, at least, students are infected with syphilis.”
SB 6.1.64-65
So, after seeing the woman, he was meditating always, twenty-four hour, about the subject, lusty desires. Kāmais tais tair hṛta-jñānāḥ [Bg. 7.20]. When one becomes lusty, then one becomes lost of all intelligence. The whole world is going on on the basis of these lusty desires. This is material world. And because I am lusty, you are lusty, every one of us, so as soon as my desires are not fulfilled, your desires are not fulfilled, then I become your enemy, you become my enemy. I cannot see you are making very good progress; you cannot see me making very good progress. This is material world: envious, lusty desires, kāma, krodha, lobha, moha, mātsarya. This is the basis of this material world.
Evening Darśana
Prabhupāda: …required to kill somebody, he’ll do that—if it is required for his sense gratification. There are many instances that a woman is addicted to another man, and she has killed her husband, killed her son. Why? Sense gratification. I have seen one woman, my Godbrother’s wife, she killed her son for being implicated with another man. I have seen it. Nūnaṁ pramattaḥ kurute vikarma. Things which are not to be done, they do it. Why? For the matter of sense gratification. They do it. That’s a fact. So therefore simply for sense gratification they are prepared to do anything. That means pāpa. It is the verdict of the court that when a man kills another man he becomes mad. Without becoming mad, a man cannot kill another man. So everything is being done which is not sanctioned because for sense gratification. The whole world business is sense gratification. And at the end, when he’s little spiritually inclined, he wants to satisfy senses by thinking artificially that “I shall become God.” That is the greatest sense gratification. Because remaining a small living entity I have been hampered in my sense gratification. Now let me become God so that there will be no restriction of my sense gratification. Bhagavān [indistinct]. Because he has failed to satisfy his senses remaining non-Bhagavān, now he wants to become Bhagavān. Yogī, that is also another sense gratification, that if I show some magic, if I can create little gold like this, hundreds and thousands ...
Letters September 1
Gita Mandir Trust Secretary Sri Gita Mandir Trust, Gita Mandir Road, Ahmedabad. Dear Sir, I am so much obliged to your kindly conveying the blessings of Reverend Swamiji 108 Sri Srimad Vidyanandji Maharaja. I am very glad to learn that your program for preaching in the foreign countries, is still under consideration. I beg to submit herewith my missionary views in respect of preaching
Prosanta Mukherjee Sri Prosanta Mukherjee Imlitala, Mahaprabhu’s Gadi Seva Kunj, Vrindaban INDIA Dear Prosantaji, Please accept my greetings and blessings of Lord Krishna. This is to inform you that in spite of my writing to so many Mukutwalas and Murtiwalay I am receiving no reply to my letters. Last Month I wrote some reminding letters to Ram Natha Murtiwala, but this also has gained no reponse....
Gurudasa Delhi My dear Gurudasa, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 26th August, 1971 and have noted the contents. So far Indira Gandhi is concerned, I have replied that point in Tamala’s letter enclosed. If you can arrange one meeting between her and myself that will be very nice.
Boston My dear Sukhada Devi Dasi, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 26th August, 1971 and I thank you very much for your kindly appreciations. Also I have received your generous check for as daksina. You are such a sincere and intelligent girl and if you will just stick to our principles you are sure to make rapid advancement in this Krishna Consciousness....
Delhi My dear Tamala Krishna, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 26th August, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. I am glad that you have admitted the GBC members not very appropriately discharging their duty. I do not mind this discrepancy but you should be alert; you and all GBC members. We are now growing in volume all over the world dealing...
Karandhara Los Angeles My dear Karandhara, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter and enclosed bank slip for 250.00 dollars but I have not as yet received the bank slip of another 1,400.00 dollars, I hope you have already deposited the same. I am expecting the receipt voucher at any moment.
Badarinarayana Ann Arbor My dear Badrinarayana das: Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your note dated May 9, 1975 attached to the letter by Pam Conger. Upon your recommendation I am accepting her as my initiated disciple, and her spiritual name is Padmahasta dasi. Please see that she chants regularly 16 rounds.
Hansadutta, Bhagavan London and Paris My dear Hansadutta and Bhagavan das: Please accept my blessings. I have received one letter from Alanatha das Brahmacari, President of ISKCON Stockholm, in which he reports that there is much interest in Krishna consciousness in Eastern European countries. He is recommending two boys for initiation from Czechoslovakia. I do not know the language otherwise I...
Tampa My dear Jayananda das: Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 11, 1975 and have noted the contents. What you have done is good. Why should you remarry? Rather you should take sannyasa. Now you are getting very good training. Why has Jayatirtha suggested you to remarry?
Mr. Aubrey L. Duke Chief of Police City of Cypress 5275 Orange Avenue Cypress, Ca. 90630 Dear Mr. Duke: I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 31, 1975 redirected to me here in India. How can I assist you when I am here in India? If you take away the girl, I have no objection. They come and go, but if the parents take her away, I have no objection. We have no business to keep young girls...
Dr. S. B. Chatterjee Ex-Professor and Head Dept. of Geography N. Bengal U. Calcutta Calcutta Dear Dr. Chatterjee, Please accept my blessings. Things are deteriorating on account of the loss of God consciousness. This simple method of chanting the Hare Krsna Maha Mantra will awaken God consciousness, and people will become very grateful all over the world. We welcome you to Vrndavana after the...
Sao Paulo, Brazil My dear Jagajivan das, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 27, 1976 and have noted the contents with care. I am very pleased that you have taken up this mission of spreading the Krsna consciousness movement all over the world. This is the wish of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu that,(Cc. Madhya 7.128)