Spoken August 27
Bg 5.7-13 Lecture
Prabhupāda: " yoga-yukto viśuddhātmā vijitātmā jitendriyaḥ sarva-bhūtātma-bhūtātmā kurvann api na lipyate [Bg. 5.7]" Detachment. " sannyāsas tu mahā-bāho duḥkham āptum ayogataḥ yoga-yukto munir brahma na cireṇādhigacchati [Bg. 5.6]" This verse we have been discussing, that Hayagrīva:Prabhupāda:Hayagrīva:Prabhupāda:Devotee:Prabhupāda:Hayagrīva:Prabhupāda:
Initiation Lecture
Prabhupāda: " ...avidyā-karma-saṁjñānyā tṛtīyā śaktir iṣyate" This is a verse from Viṣṇu Purāṇa. It is stated there that viṣṇu-śaktiḥ parā, “The energy of the Supreme Lord is spiritual.” Energy and the energetic, they are nondifferent. Just like the sunshine is the energy of the sun globe, but the quality of sunshine and the sun globe is the same. It is not different. The sunshine is bright, illuminating, hot. Similarly, we can understand the sun globe, the temperature may be very high, but …
SB 1.2.6
Prabhupāda: Yes. Thank you. Pradyumna: Get the book? Prabhupāda: Hm? What is that? [Pradyumna leads synonym recitation] Pradyumna: Translation: “The supreme occupation, or dharma, for all humanity is that by which men can attain to loving devotional service unto the transcendent Lord. Such devotional service must be unmotivated and uninterrupted in order to completely satisfy the self.PrabhupādaSB 4.8.4Cc. Ādi 1.9SB 4.8.4Cc. Ādi 1.90Pradyumna:Prabhupāda:Pradyumna:Prabhupāda:Pradyumna:Prabhupā…
SB 1.2.24
[Govindam prayers playing; Prabhupāda singing along] Prabhupāda: [sings Jaya Rādhā-Mādhava] [prema-dhvani] Thank you very much. Devotees: All glories to Śrī Guru and Gauranga. [devotees offer obeisances] Pradyumna: Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya.Prabhupāda:Pradyumna:Prabhupāda:Devotees:Prabhupāda:Devotees:
Bg 2.23-24 Lecture
Pradyumna: [leads chanting of verse] [devotees repeat] " nainaṁ chindanti śastrāṇi nainaṁ dahati pāvakaḥ na cainaṁ kledayanty āpo na śoṣayati mārutaḥ [Bg. 2.23]" [leads chanting of synonyms] na---never; enam---unto this soul; chindanti---can cut into pieces; Prabhupāda:Śyāmasundara:Prabhupāda:Pradyumna:Prabhupāda:
SB 1.1.4
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.1.4 Pradyumna: Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. [leads chanting of verse] " naimiṣe ‘nimiṣa-kṣetre ṛṣayaḥ śaunakādayaḥ satraṁ svargāya lokāyaPrabhupāda:Pradyumna:Prabhupāda:Pradyumna:Prabhupāda:Pradyumna:Prabhupāda:Pradyumna:Prabhupāda:Devotees:
Morning Walk
Prabhupāda: Hey? Who is this? Devotee: [over sound system] Jaya Jaya Jaya Prabhupada! [sings] nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale... Prabhupāda: Hare Kṛṣṇa [break] Hmm? Yes. Upendra: The flies don’t like nim. Prabhupāda: Huh? Upendra: They don’t like nim? The flies.Prabhupāda:Harikeśa:Akṣayānanda:Prabhupāda:Akṣayānanda:Prabhupāda:Akṣayānanda:Devotee:Akṣayānanda:Prabhupāda:Devotee:Prabhupāda:Devotee:Akṣayānanda:Prabhupāda:Upendra:Akṣayānanda:Prabhupāda:Akṣayānanda:Indian man:Prabhu…
Morning Walk at Lodi Gardens
Mahāṁsa: Everything he was saying is what he has learned from the Ramakrishna Society. Prabhupāda: There are so many gentlemen who have become poisoned by this nonsense. [break] [japa] Jaya. Very nice garden. [break] ...you see this nim tree in any other part of the world. It is only in India.Indian man:Prabhupāda:Gopāla Kṛṣṇa:Prabhupāda:Gopāla Kṛṣṇa:Prabhupāda:Gopāla Kṛṣṇa:Harikeśa:Prabhupāda:Harikeśa:Prabhupāda:Gopāla Kṛṣṇa:Prabhupāda:Indian man:Prabhupāda:Indian man:Gopāla Kṛṣṇa:Indian man:P…
Letters August 27
My dear Brahmananda, Please accept my blessings. Your nice letter of 8/18 in hand; your nice philosophy that Krishna takes and Krishna gives, is very nice. This means Krishna is not impersonal. He is the Supreme Person and fully reciprocates. The impersonalist cannot reciprocate. Krishna does not take anything from them, neither does He give them anything. The Impersonal, therefore, simply enjoys...
My dear Jananivasa, Please accept my blessings. I am very glad to receive your letter of 8/20, and glad to hear that everything is going so nicely at our newest center. It all sounds very beautiful, and I am very anxious to come to you personally. Perhaps in October I shall go directly from here to San Francisco, and then to Santa Fe, before going to N.Y. your question: The Spirit Soul is certainly...
My dear Subala das, Please accept my blessings. I am so glad to receive your letter dated 8/15, and pleased to read the contents. By Krishna’s Grace you have gotten a nice old castle, and converted into a K.C. temple. I am also pleased to learn that people are taking an interest in the temple, and that you are getting some publicity started. K.C. is so that it will bring more and more, If you but...
My dear Brahmananda, Please accept my blessings. I am pleased to inform you that our journey from New York to Hamburg was very comfortable, and we safely arrived at the scheduled time. The boys were present to receive us, and the apartment they have selected is very nice. I am sending herewith a letter addressed to Hayagriva. The second part of the Ginsberg conversation article should not be published,...
Hayagriva My dear Hayagriva, Please accept my blessings. We have safely reached exactly at the scheduled time in Hamburg, and the journey was quite comfortable. Lufthansa is a very respectable airline, and the ladies and gentlemen and stewardesses and hosts were very kind in their treatment. One girl was insisting that we take some food, and when we refused she was very sorry, but she brought us...
My dear Satsvarupa, Please accept my blessings. I am sure that you know I have come to Germany via New York on Monday morning. It is understood from different sources that Rayarama has written you a letter complaining that the charge of BTG has been taken from him without any justification. But the actual fact is that he was spending 600 dollars per month for maintenance of Iskcon Press with the result...
Gargamuni Kathmandu My dear Gargamuni Maharaja, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 18th August, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. As per your request I have immediately sent one brahmacari, Madhavananda Das, there to assist you. He is just now on his way to Delhi and then will go on to Nepal immediately. So he should be reaching there very soon....
Delhi My dear Gurudasa, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 23d August, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. Anyway you have got some shelter in the dharmasala. In the meantime if you can find some good place in Delhi that will be nice. But you should organize Delhi center very nicely. Do not bother Indira Gandhi. I think that for some political reason she...
Hamburg My dear Himavati, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 26th August, 1971 and have noted the contents. Please don’t be worried at all. I shall never give your husband sannyasa order. There is no special meaning for giving your husband sannyasa order because I know that both of you are more than sannyasi. So don
New York My dear Satsvarupa, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 24th August, 1971 and have noted the contents. So far your travelling throughout the south, particularly Atlanta center, I have no objection. Just so long there is someone competent to look after Boston temple. If you think Harer Nama can manage all right, that is nice.
My Dear Shama Dasi, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 20th August, 1971 and have noted the contents. When I received the letter the envelope had been opened and then stapled closed and some portion of the letter was missing; it came in two parts. I don

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