Spoken August 12
Bg 4.24-34 Lecture
Prabhupāda: " brahmārpaṇaṁ brahma havir brahmāgnau brahmaṇā hutam brahmaiva tena gantavyaṁ brahma-karma-samādhinā [Bg. 4.24]" This verse we have been discussing in our last meeting the sacrifice. And there are different types of sacrifice recommended according to the different classes of men. There are generally three classes of human beings: those who are under the influence of the modes of goodness, and those who are under the modes of passion, and those who are under the modes of…
Room Conversation
Prabhupāda: ...all-round, not sentimental. There is no religion, and still, they are professing, “I profess this religion.” Where is your religion? If actually there was religion in the human society, why there are so many problems? There should not have been so many problems. The problems are in the animal society. Why there should be problem in human society? Because they have given up the real principles. They are simply animals. Therefore there are so many problems.Devotee:Prabhupāda:Hamsadu…
Bg 13.4 Lecture
Pradyumna: Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. [leads chanting of verse] [Prabhupāda and devotees repeat] " tat kṣetraṁ yac ca yādṛk ca yad vikārī yataś ca yat sa ca yo yat prabhāvaś caPrabhupāda:Bhagavān:Prabhupāda:Bhagavān:Prabhupāda:Devotees:
Room Conversation with Yadurabara About Early Life
Prabhupāda: ...of the same age of neighboring quarters, they will join. There will be feast, procession, saṅkīrtana, everything in miniature form. And my father would spend. He will not hesitate. Yes. Therefore, my father’s friends used to joke that “Ratha-yātrā ceremony is going on at your home, and you do not invite us. What is this?Yadubara:Prabhupāda:Yadubara:Prabhupāda:Yadubara:Prabhupāda:Yadubara:Prabhupāda:Yadubara:Prabhupāda:Yadubara:Prabhupāda:Yadubara:Prabhupāda:Yadubara:Prabhupāda:Yad…
SB 5.5.1-2
[This lecture was simultaneously translated into French by Jyotirmayī-devī dāsī] Prabhupāda: " nāyaṁ deho deha-bhājāṁ nṛloke kaṣṭān kāmān arhate viḍ-bhujāṁ ye tapo divyaṁ putrakā yena sattvaṁ śuddhyed yasmād brahma-saukhyaṁ tv anantamDevotee:Prabhupāda:Devotee:Prabhupāda:Guest:Jyotirmayī:Prabhupāda:Jyotirmayī:Yogeśvara:Prabhupāda:Guest:Jyotirmayī:Prabhupāda:Jyotirmayī:Prabhupāda:Guest:Jyotirmayī:Prabhupāda:Guest:Jyotirmayī:Prabhupāda:Guest:Jyotirmayī:Prabhupāda:Lady guest:Jyotirmayī:Prabhu…
Bg 7.6 Lecture
Pradyumna: Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. [devotees repeat] [leads chanting of verse, etc.] " etad-yonīni bhūtāni sarvāṇīty upadhāraya ahaṁ kṛtsnasya jagataḥ prabhavaḥ pralayas tathāPrabhupāda:Devotees:
SB 1.5.31, partially recorded
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.5.31, partially recorded Prabhupāda: ...affair of this Vṛndāvana-dhāma. They simply, they’re searching after. They never said. He rādhe vraja-devike ca lalite he nanda-sūno kutaḥ [Ṣaḍ-gosvāmy-aṣṭaka 8]: “Oh, where is Rādhārāṇī? Where You are? Where are Your friends, Lalitā and Viśākhā? Where is Nanda, son of Mahārāja Nanda, Kṛṣṇa?Devotees:
Morning Walk
Bhagavān: I was trying to single out a few, but it was impossible. Prabhupāda: That’s all right. Welcome. No, no. All welcome. Bhagavān: An international society for cameras. Prabhupāda: Cameras? Bhagavān: Everyone has camera. This way we go? [break] Everyone should chant softly. Prabhupāda: But here we cannot walk inBhagavān:Prabhupāda:Bhagavān:Prabhupāda:Bhagavān:Prabhupāda:Mādhavānanda:Prabhupāda:Bhagavān:Prabhupāda:Mādhavānanda:Prabhupāda:Bhagavān:Prabhupāda:Bhagavān:Prabhupāda:Mādhavān…
Room Conversation [with French translator]
[questions and answers translated by Yogeśvara] Guest: [French] Prabhupāda: [chanting japa] Bhagavān: He said for forty-five years now he has not eaten any meat, he has been vegetarian. Prabhupāda: Oh, you are forty-five percent advanced. Yes. Let them come forward. Oh, they are chanting. Very good.Bhagavān:Prabhupāda:Devotee (1):Prabhupāda:Bhagavān:Guest:Bhagavān:Guest:Prabhupāda:Bhagavān:Prabhupāda:Bhagavān:Prabhupāda:Umāpati:Prabhupāda:Umāpati:Prabhupāda:Umāpati:Bhagavān:Prabhupāda:Bhagav…
Evening Darśana
Nava-yauvana: “First we must reach to your standard, then we can become interested in spiritual life.” It’s an envious position. Prabhupāda: Hm? Nava-yauvana: It’s an envious position. On the material platform they are thinking, “You have gotten so much, now you can afford to practice this. We cannot afford such practice.Prabhupāda:Nava-yauvana:Prabhupāda:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:Hari-śauri:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:Hari-śauri:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Hari-śauri:Nava-yauvana:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Prabhu…
Morning Walk
Prabhupāda: That they do not know. Their advancement of knowledge is so poor that if the chemicals of the semina and ovum, by mixture, life can be generated, so why you wait for such accident? You can combine such chemicals. Why you are waiting for the accident or chance meeting? You can produce. That they cannot. Then how it is accident? Just like nowadays the oxJñānagamya:Prabhupāda:Jñānagamya:Prabhupāda:Nava-yauvana:Prabhupāda:Jñānagamya:Prabhupāda:Harikeśa:Prabhupāda:Harikeśa:P…
Room Conversation
Prabhupāda: I can give you formula. That toothpaste formula, that is my invention. It’s working very nicely. Ātreya Ṛṣi: Can we have it? What if we can’t find nim leaves here? Prabhupāda: No, we can supply nim leaves from India, any amount, from Vṛndāvana. Ātreya Ṛṣi: Nim leaves from Vṛndāvana is unique. Nobody can imitate us.Prabhupāda:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:Ātre…
Visit to Proposed Restaurant and Room Conversation
[visit to house/restaurant which Ātreya Ṛṣi was purchasing] Prabhupāda: You are not going to install Deity? Ātreya Ṛṣi: Not here. Prabhupāda: Oh, not here. Ātreya Ṛṣi: The Deity will be installed in the other place... Prabhupāda: Oh, this is only for restaurant. Ātreya Ṛṣi: ...which is, the company is buying. There isPrabhupāda:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:Nava-yauvana:Prabhupāda:Nava-yauvana:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Nava-y…
Room Conversation
[back at temple] Prabhupāda: ...very good action? I told you, no, what is good action? Peter: Good action by doing something for somebody else. Prabhupāda: Everyone is doing. Peter: Pardon? Prabhupāda: What is speciality? Everyone is doing? Peter: No, I’m just... It’s... The question is Prabhupāda:Peter:Prabhupāda:Peter:Prabhupāda:Peter:Prabhupāda:Mrs. Sahani:Prabhupāda:Mrs. Sahani:Prabhupāda:Mrs. Sahani:Prabhupāda:Mrs. Sahani:Prabhupāda:Mrs. Sahani:Prabhupāda:Mrs.…
Conversation in Car
Prabhupāda: ...that is Kṛṣṇa’s mercy. But I am not that devotee. You are devotee. It is a fact. Kṛṣṇa supplies everything to the devotee’s comfort. Dayānanda: Left or right? Ātreya Ṛṣi: Right. Yes. Go down Jayapattim[?]. [break] Prabhupāda, in Vaiṣṇava temples, Prabhupāda:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:
SB 3.22.22 and Initiations
Prabhupāda: Hmm. He knows the rules and regulations? Atreya Ṛṣi: Yes, Śrīla Prabhupāda. Prabhupāda: Let him say. Let him say. Atreya Ṛṣi: [Farsi to Mustafa] You can say it in English? Mustafa: Yes. I can’t say it completely, correctly. Prabhupāda: Say in English. [Atreya Ṛṣi translates from Farsi] No illicit sex, no gambling, no intoxication, no meat-eating.Mustafa:Atreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:Atreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:Atreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:Hussein:Atreya Ṛṣi:Hari-śauri:Prabhupāda:Atreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupād…
Letters August 12
My dear Jayapataka, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated August 7, 1969, and I have noted the contents. Regarding Narottama das, our policy should be to keep members as much as possible. We should not flatly say
Rukmini My dear Rukmini Dasi, Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your letter dated July 27th, 1969, sent along with your new beads, and I am enclosing the beads herewith duly chanted upon by me. I am pleased to learn that Bharadraja has completed the Sankirtana picture and you are now doing a painting of Krishna and Arjuna. All such paintings may be forwarded to me as soon as possible....
Trivikrama My dear Trivikrama, Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your letter of August 3rd, 1969, and I have noted the contents carefully. I am pleased to learn of the nice service you are rendering in London, and all of your godbrothers and sisters who have written to me from there have praised your nice endeavors. I have already told Yamuna to put the Deities away for the time...
Giriraja Calcutta My dear Giriraja, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 5th August, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. So far the Mayapur program is concerned, if Indira Gandhi is not available, then forget this program. I have tried from here to induce the high commissioner for India to write Indira Gandhi, so we should do our best. If it is not possible,...
My dear Sons, Please accept my blessings. Upon the recommendation of His Grace Visnujana Maharaja I have gladly consented to accept you three as my duly initiated disciples. Your beads are duly chanted on by me and are enclosed herewith. I have given the spiritual names as follows:

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