Spoken July 26
Initiation of Satyabhāmā Dāsī
Prabhupāda: …auspicious day because it is all arrangement of His Divine Grace Oṁ Viṣṇupāda Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī Prabhupāda, my [Prabhupāda’s voice chokes up] beloved spiritual master. He is seeing. He had a great desire to preach Lord Caitanya’s message in the Western world. And I am sure he will be pleased to see so many young boys and girls are seriously engaged in preaching the gospel of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu. That is my success.
Śrī Brahma-saṁhitā, Verse 32
(aside:) Why not sit comfortably? Please. There is ample space in the front. You can move. So Govinda, aṅgāni yasya sakalendriya-vṛtti-manti. Aṅgāni, aṅgāni means the limbs of the body. Just like hands, legs, ear, nose, they’re different parts of our body. The distinction between this material body and spiritual body is that just like this hand is made for particular purpose—you can pick up something, you can touch something, but you cannot taste something. If you want to taste something, then the hand will bring that food to your mouth and will touch your tongue. Then you can know that it is bitter or sweet. But simply by touching the hand it is not possible to understand what is the nature of that particular… Therefore God’s body is described here that aṅgāni yasya sakalendriya-vṛtti-manti. Each and every part of the body has got the capacity for other parts of the body. Just like if you want to eat, we have to taste it through the tongue, through the mouth, but Kṛṣṇa, or God, if He simply sees only, He can eat, simply by seeing. This is spiritual body. Aṅgāni yasya sakalendriya-vṛtti-manti, paśyanti pānti kalayanti ciraṁ jaganti [Bs. 5.32]. In another sense, this whole cosmic manifestation is also the body of God; therefore you cannot hide anything from God’s vision. In the Brahma…, the same Brahma-saṁhitā, it is said that yac-cakṣur eṣa savitā sakala-grahāṇām. Savitā. Savitā means the sun, the sun-god, or the sun planet, ...
Initiation and Brahma-saṁhitā Lecture
Prabhupāda: Govinda means who gives pleasure to the cows, who gives pleasure to the senses. He’s Govinda. Go means…, another meaning is earth. So He gives pleasure. Kṛṣṇa is all pleasure potency. And ādi-puruṣa. Ādi-puruṣam, original person. (sound) What is that? (pause) Ādi-puruṣa, original person. Janmādy asya yataḥ. (aside:) Why don’t you sit down? Sit down. Ādi, original; puruṣa, person. The origin… Unless the origin of everything is a person, how so many persons are coming? Every one of us, all living entities, either man or animal or demigod, even trees, plants, they’re all persons. Everyone, individual person. So if every living entity is a person, how the original of, origin of everything can be imperson? The origin must be person. Therefore ādi-puruṣam. The origin, original, or origin of everything, janmādy asya yataḥ, Absolute Truth, is that from whom or from which everything is emanating. So everything is a person, individual. So origin must be person. Ādi-puruṣam. Therefore Brahmā…, this Brahma-saṁhitā is made by Brahmā. He’s the original creature within this universe. He’s recommending that “My origin is also a person.” Ādi-puruṣaṁ tam ahaṁ bhajāmi: “I worship that original person.” Therefore the origin of everything, the Absolute, the summum bonum, cannot be impersonal. What is the reason? Where is the experience that from imperson a person comes? There is no such instance within our experience. ...
Initiations and Sannyāsa
Aravinda: Nārāyaṇa dāsa. Prabhupāda: Nārāyaṇa dāsa. You know the rules and regulations? Thank you. Take this. Hare Kṛṣṇa. Come on. This Deity photograph, this? Aravinda: Pompā dāsī. Prabhupāda: Pompā dāsī. Pompā is the sacred river. Flow with Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Hare Kṛṣṇa. Aravinda: Madhupurī dāsī. Prabhupāda: Madhupurī. Madhupurī is Mathurā, Kṛṣṇa’s birthplace. So you have to serve Mathurā and be associated with Rādhārāṇī. Hare Kṛṣṇa. You know the rules and regulation? What are they? Madhupurī: No meat-eating, no illicit sex, no intoxication… Prabhupāda: No gambling. She is not married? Aravinda: Vārāṇasī. Prabhupāda: Vārāṇasī dāsī. Vārāṇasī, the sacred conjunction of two rivers, Vāruṇī and Asī. Vāruṇī is Ganges, and Asī. So combination of two sacred rivers flowing from the lotus toe of Kṛṣṇa.
Aravinda: Yogamāyā dāsī. Prabhupāda: Yogamāyā. Yogamāyā, the internal energy of Kṛṣṇa. You are the servant of internal energy. Come on. What are the rules and regulations? Yogamāyā: No meat-eating, no illicit sex, no gambling, no intoxication. Prabhupāda: So you agree? Yogamāyā: (laughs) Yes. Prabhupāda: All right. Come on. Next. (japa) [break]
Bg 1.36 Lecture
Prabhupāda: So, pāpam evam. Pāpam means sinful activities, and puṇyam is pious. So people should consider, in every activity, whether it is pāpam or puṇyam, whether it is virtuous or sinful activities. But the asuras, they do not know. Pravṛttiṁ ca nivṛttiṁ ca na vidur asurā janāḥ. Those who are asuras, they do not care what is sinful or what is right. “I like it; I must do it.” This is asura. There is no reference to the authorities, whether the action which I am going to do, whether it is pious or impious. Because by impious activities I will be degraded. Adho gacchanti tamasaḥ. Jaghanya-guṇa-vṛtti-sthāḥ. If we become addicted to sinful activities, the result will be we shall be degraded. But they do not know. Even so-called religious priest, they support killing, astonished. Killing is impious, sinful activity, but in the name of religion, killing is also going on. If someone says, “It is my religion to cut throat,” will it be accepted very nice thing? Sometimes… Just like here is the war. This is also religious war. But still, discrimination. Arjuna, because he is a Vaiṣṇava, a Vaiṣṇava means devatā, demigod. Viṣṇu-bhakto bhaved daiva āsuras tad viparyayaḥ [Bg. 16.6]. What is the difference between deva and asura? Who is called a devata, and who is called a asura? There are two kinds of men. One class is called deva, devata. The other class is called asura. Devāsura.
Room Conversation with Graham Hill
Prabhupāda: Yes, this is our philosophy. We are spreading this philosophy, that conquer over death and go back to home, back to Godhead. Therefore our name of the paper is Back to Godhead. Winning over the race between life and death and get your eternal life and go back to home, back to Godhead. This is our philosophy. Graham Hill: You don’t believe, then, in that we come back, rebirth again in another form? Prabhupāda: Yes, transmigration. Just like you also were a boy like him, but where is that body? There is no… That body, that is finished. But you exist; you remember that you were a boy like him. You remember that boy’s childhood body. So that body is finished, but you are not finished. So therefore you, the soul, is eternal. You are simply changing body. This is called death. Death means changing the body. As soon as the body becomes old enough, no more youthful, then you die. Die means to change the body just like you change your garment. When the garment is no more useless…, no more useful, then you change to another garment. That is stated: vāsāṁsi jīrṇāni yathā vihāya.
Morning Walk
Brahmānanda: …shortage that they will make processes for eating the seaweed. Prabhupāda: They are already doing that. Rāmeśvara: It is considered a health food in many vegetarian restaurants. They import it as a health food. Prabhupāda: That Ahmedabad, that gentleman in his house, you were guest… You were in Ahmedabad? Jayatīrtha: Ahmedabad, that… Prabhupāda: Yes. Jayatīrtha: …homeopathic doctor? Prabhupāda: No, no, that gentleman, his name I forget now. Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Patel? Prabhupāda: Patel, yes. Not the doctor; the young man in whose house we became guest. He’s doing this business.
Room Conversation with Prof. Servas
Prabhupāda: But everyone wants sunshine. Why in one place denied, and one place there is sunshine? You are not free. Even though you want sunshine, there is no sunshine. So how you feel free? You bring sunshine. But that is not happening. There is superior arrangement. So to accept that superior arrangement, that is real business, not to declare freedom falsely. That is not possible. If I say, “I am free from the law-abiding process, law given by government. I am free from the law of the government,” that is not possible. If you become outlaw, then you will be arrested and put into jail. So what is the use of declaring that “I am free from the government laws”? There is no freedom. Whatever little freedom is given to us, if you utilize it properly, that is very nice. If we unnecessarily declare that “I am free from any obligation,” that is madman’s proposal. That is the mistake of the modern man, that especially in the Western countries, unnecessarily they are declaring freedom in so many ways. Unnecessarily. He is not free, but he is declaring. That is described in Caitanya-caritāmṛta, I think, or in some other. No? Prema-vivarta. Yes, there is a book, Prema-vivarta:
SB 6.1.45
So in the previous verse we have discussed, dehavān na hy akarma-kṛt. Anyone who has got this material body, he has to work. Everyone has to work. In the spiritual body also you have to work. In the material body also you have to work. Because the working principle is the soul—soul is living force—so he is busy. Living body means there is movement, there is work. He cannot sit idly. In the Bhagavad-gītā it is said, “Not even for a moment one can be idle.” That is the symptom of living being. So this working is going on according to the particular body. The dog is also running, and a man is also running. But a man thinks he is very much civilized because he is running on motorcar. Both of them are running, but a man has got a particular type of body by which he can prepare a vehicle or cycle, and he can run on. He is thinking that “I am running in greater speed than the dog; therefore I am civilized.” This is the modern mentality. He does not know that what is the difference between running on fifty miles speed or five miles speed or five thousand miles speed or five millions miles of speed. The space is unlimited. Whatever speed you discover, it is still insufficient. Still insufficient.
Conversation with George Harrison
George Harrison: How do you feel? Prabhupāda: I have old man’s disease, cough and cold, so coughing. But still, work is going on, and I shall complete eighty years this month. September, eighty-one. So now, due to age, it is becoming little difficult. George Harrison: Yes. Prabhupāda: Anyway, by the grace of Kṛṣṇa. So how are you? George Harrison: Quite good. Prabhupāda: Chanting is going on? George Harrison: Yes. Prabhupāda: Thank you. That is our life and soul. Gṛhe vā vanete thāke, ‘hā gaurāṅga’ bole ḍāke. Wherever you live, it doesn’t matter—chant Hare Kṛṣṇa. That’s all. That is our only support. [aside:] So bring food here. Jayatīrtha: We should have the lunch here? Prabhupāda: Yes. Bring George Harrison: All the devotees are looking really good. Prabhupāda: Eh? George Harrison: The devotees are looking great. Strong. Prabhupāda: [laughs] Yes. Phalena paricīyate. By the result, one has to study. Yesterday, one devotee’s father and mother came, Hari-śauri. She and his father were very pleased to see him healthy, bright.
Room Conversation
Prabhupāda: Very good. Generally you are preaching here, preaching nice? Pṛthu-putra: Oh, yes. Prabhupāda: You know French? Pṛthu-putra: Yes, I am from France originally. Prabhupāda: So, what is your new publication? Bhagavān: So I have a big surprise. Jayatīrtha: Whew! Wow! It’s fabulous! Wow! Prabhupāda: Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. Hari-śauri: This will make Rāmeśvara very envious. Bhagavān: This is special. This is on all volumes. Jayatīrtha: It’s fabulous. Prabhupāda: Oh, how many chapters? Bhagavān: Up to chapter nine. Prabhupāda: Oh, First Canto. Bhagavān: Half of First Canto. Prabhupāda: Yes, twenty. Rādhā-kṛṣṇa-praṇaya-vikṛtir hlādinī…
Room Conversation Gaurasundara, Dr. Kapoor
Prabhupāda: High place. There is no need of big [indistinct]. Deity is small Kṛṣṇa or big Kṛṣṇa, the same thing. When Kṛṣṇa was child on the lap of His mother, the same Kṛṣṇa killed Pūtanā. And when He was killing other demons in His young age, the same. Avyaya. He does not change. Acyuta. These are the names of Kṛṣṇa, you’ll… So it does not make any difference. So you have got small Deity. Very nicely… So you can bathe Them nicely, decorate Them nicely, give Them… And big Deity, it will be difficult to handle. Better keep this Deity and increase the devotional. That will be… More time devoted for taking class, for cleansing the… About Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam consider. That is main business. arcāyām eva haraye pūjāṁ yaḥ śraddhayehate na tad-bhakteṣu cānyeṣu sa bhaktaḥ prākṛtaḥ smṛtaḥ If you simply worship the Deity in gorgeous way but do not preach, see to the interest of devotees and other common men, then you’ll remain in the prākṛta state, material stage. You should go further: see the interest of ordinary people, how they are understanding Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Tad-bhakteṣu. To give worship to the guru and honor them. Simply to worship Deity is material platform. Gṛhasthas, we want, this preaching. And not like ordinary. Big Deity worship… [indistinct—much background noise] Kṛṣṇa will help by taking class, teaching [indistinct]. And practise what we preach. Purified program. Govinda ...
Letters July 26
Dear “children” at New York, Please accept my blessings. We had a very nice plane ride here to New Delhi, although it took somewhat longer than we had anticipated. We arrived in London on schedule Sunday morning, and Kirtanananda gave me a massage, and then I took shower bath and rested until afternoon. We boarded the plane for Moscow and no more than we got in our seats, when it was announced...
Calcutta My dear Jayapataka, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 20th July, 1970, and noted the contents., But it is the old story. Anyway, I am hoping against hope that very soon we shall have a place either at Calcutta or at Mayapur.
Sri Devanandana Gaudiya Math Navadvipa My dear Navayogendra Brahmacari, Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you for your letter dated 14th July, 1970, in Bengali, and you will excuse me for replying in English to save a little time. Nowadays I am not keeping very good health and very soon I may return for a change in India.
London My dear Yamuna, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 12 July, 1970, and noted the contents. I have also received the pera and it is very nice. I know that you prepare everything very carefully for the Deities. You can offer the Deities as many varieties of sweetmeats as possible.
Los Angeles My dear Karandhara, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated 7/22/73. Everything you have arranged is in order. I have signed the cards. All cheques issued should be entered into the Account Book, and an informing letter should be written regarding: to whom the cheque was made and what purpose: and send one copy to me and one to Bali Mardan.
To ALL ISKCON Presidents: This is to introduce Sri and Smt. Kartikeya Mahadevia of Bombay who are my good friends and our Life Members. They are now making an extensive tour of American and European cities and will be especially visiting all our centers. I want that they should be well received and accommodated and also given prasadam, and they may be offered whatever assistance they may require on...
Atlanta My dear Balavanta das: Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 9, 1974 and have noted the contents. Regarding the initiations, I am pleased to inform you that I have initiated them as follows: Mike Munoz
Daughters London My dear Daughters: Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your notes, and I thank you very much for your daksine. It was a very nice visit to the Bury Place temple. It is from there that we started our London activities, and I am so glad to see that the Deities are being decorated there the best. You are all working very hard, and this will not go in vain. Whatever...
New Vrindaban My dear Hladini devi dasi: Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 17, 1974 with enclosed photographs of Lord Jagannatha. I can see that you are very nicely taking care of the Deities, and this is much appreciated by me. Now you stick to this process of worship of the Deity and you will advance more and more in Krishna consciousness. I very...
Honolulu My dear Sudama Maharaja: Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 18, 1974 and have noted the contents. Regarding the initiations, I have duly initiated them as follows: Matt Johnson---Mahaksa Greg Price
My dear Aksayananda Maharaja, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letters dated June 22, and July 3. So I am glad to know that you have had successful program in Kampoor. Yes, I think I remember Radha Krsna in Sadaf Agharwal from Kampoor. What was the name of his shop, is it a bottle shop? Yes, this traveling preaching program is a good idea. It is very nice, and you are a good...
Sriman D.N. Mishra 179, Balarama Dey Street Calcutta-6 My dear Dinanatha: Please accept my greetings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 27, 1975 and have noted the contents. Regarding seeing your book on Lord Ramacandra partly translated into English, I am very much eager to see it. I am returning to India by the month of October, therefore there is no hurry. When I return I shall be...
Governor of Uttar Pradesh Raj Bhavan Lucknow, U.P. INDIA Dear Dr. Channa Reddy, Please accept my best wishes. I thank you for your letter dated June 14, 1975 and have noted the contents carefully. As you are also touring very widely within India, I also am touring very widely all over the world. From Australia I went to Fiji, then to Honolulu, Hawaii. From there I went to Los Angeles, then Denver,...
Sriman Gulzari Lal Nanda 5, Tughlak Road New Delhi - 11, INDIA 641 Ramona Ave., Laguna Beach, Ca. 92651 USA Dear Sriman Nandaji, Please accept my greetings. Since I last wrote you my letter dated June 14, 1975, I have received one encouraging letter from Dr. Channa Reddy, Governor of Uttar Pradesh. He is very enthusiastic in this project. So I am very anxiously awaiting your reply to my letter....
Niranjana Glasgow My dear Niranjana dasa, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 14, 1975. Regarding the temple that Ramananda is expecting to construct, who will pay for it? Has he mentioned this to you? Anyway, I will be speaking with him when I next go to India. I thank you for your report of the Rathayatra. Please ask Hansadutta to send me a complete report...
Mombassa, Kenya My dear Sarvavit dasa, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 15th, and I am very glad to read the contents. I am glad to learn that you are getting good training by Cyavana Maharaja and you should take your post of temple president as a very serious matter. It is your responsibility to always exhibit a Krsna conscious example. You should always...
Winnipeg, Canada Dear Vrnda devi dasi, Please accept my blessings. I am in receipt of your letter, undated. Regarding the booklet, “A Guide to the Care of Srimate Tulasi devi,” yes, the book is very nice. It is approved. But one thing is that no sprays can be used, not at all. Tulasi is a worshipable plant so there is no question of using any sprays. The best thing is to simply daily water tulasi...
My dear Jayapataka Maharaja; Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 21, 1976 and have noted the contents with care. Regarding your meeting me to discuss the land acquisition matter, I shall inform you later on as to my arrival time in India. For the time being I shall stay at the farm in France. But as far as going to see the Chief Minister is concerned, let him...

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