Spoken July 4
SB 7.9.9
Prabhupāda: " manye dhanābhijana-rūpa-tapaḥ-śrutaujas- tejaḥ-prabhāva-bala-pauruṣa-buddhi-yogāḥ nārādhanāya hi bhavanti parasya puṁso bhaktyā tutoṣa bhagavān gaja yūtha pāya []" Prahlāda Mahārāja is submitting his humbleness, because he has practically experienced that all great personalities present in that meeting, headed by Brahmā, the original person, original created person, as well as all other demigods, they are all highly qualified, but they could not satisfy the Lord. The…
Ratha-yātrā and Press Conference
[ecstatic kīrtana, prema-dhvanī] Prabhupāda: Hare Kṛṣṇa. Madhudviṣa: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta will now deliver a brief message in regarding the Ratha-yātrā festival, following which the members of the press will present their questions to His Divine Grace.Prabhupāda:Devotees:Prabhupāda:Devotees:Prabhupāda:Madhudviṣa:Pressman:Prabhupāda:Pressman:Prabhupāda:Devotees:Pressman:Prabhupāda:Madhudviṣa:Pressman:Prabhupāda:Devotees:Pressman:Prabhupāda:Madhudviṣa:Prabhupāda:Madhudviṣa:…
Guṇḍicā Mārjanam Cleansing of the Guṇḍicā Temple, Lecture
Devotees: All glories to Prabhupāda! Jāyate Prabhupāda! Jaya! Prabhupāda: Hare Kṛṣṇa. [Hindi with Indian woman, chuckles] All right. Hare Kṛṣṇa. There is no space for the... So we require bigger space. Hare Kṛṣṇa. Oh, Govinda dāsī has come? [chuckles] When you have arrived?Govinda dāsī:Prabhupāda:Devotees:Prabhupāda:Devotees:Prabhupāda:
Room Conversation
Prabhupāda: How Kṛṣṇa was born? Devotee child (1): He had a birth ceremony when Kṛṣṇa was born. Prabhupāda: Huh? Devotee child (1): Kṛṣṇa had His birth ceremony when He was born. Prabhupāda: That’s all right. How He took birth? Devotee child (1): He take birth? Or four-armed form. Prabhupāda: Hmm? Devotee child (1): He took birth as four-armed form. He came out from DevakiPrabhupāda:Devotee child (1):Prabhupāda:Devotee child (1):Prabhupāda:Devotee child (1):Prabhupāda:D…
Room Conversation with Yadurāṇī
Yadurāṇī: ...they just didn’t know how to do it effectively. And, Śrīla Prabhupāda, Muralīdhara just asked you that when Lord Brahmā, when he became angry at the four Kumāras he created Lord Śiva from between his eyebrows. So he is always situated on his lotus, but at that time should we paint him on his planet?Prabhupāda:Yadurāṇī:Prabhupāda:Yadurāṇī:Prabhupāda:Yadurāṇī:Prabhupāda:Devotee (1):Prabhupāda:Devotee (1):Yadurāṇī:Prabhupāda:Yadurāṇī:Prabhupāda:Yadurāṇī…
Room Conversation
Devotee (1): A brush. Prabhupāda: No soap? Devotee (1): I don’t think so. It’s wire, metal. Prabhupāda: What? Devotee (1): It’s a metal brush. It would be too hard for the nails, for the body. Ātreya Ṛṣi: Yeah. For toes? For toenails. Devotee (1): For feet? Ātreya Ṛṣi: Toenails, perhaps. Prabhupāda: [indistinct] cord? Devotee (1): Silk cord? Prabhupāda: What is it meant?Devotee:Prabhupāda:Devotee (1):Prabhupāda:Devotee (1):Devotee (2):Prabhupāda:Devotee (1):Prabhupāda:Devotee (1):Ātrey…
Room Conversation with Bob Cohen
[loud sounds of fireworks in background] Prabhupāda: Śyāmasundara is transcribing your talks with me in Māyāpur. Bob Cohen: I received your very kind letter a week ago. Prabhupāda: Now, you are very intelligent boy. You can try to understand this philosophy. It is very important. And try to preach. For sense gratification people are wasting so much time, but they do notBarbara [Bobs fiancee]:Prabhupāda:Barbara:Prabhupāda:Barbara:Prabhupāda:Barbara:Prabhupāda:Ātreya Ṛṣi:Prabhupāda:Bali-m…
Interview with Envious Reporter
Prabhupāda: Yes. Reporter (1): There’s a market? Prabhupāda: Everywhere. Huh? Reporter (1): That because the United States is so materialistic, the message of... Viśākhā: Take one. Reporter (1): ...anti-materialism is more easily accepted than in places where things are not so? Prabhupāda:Reporter (1):Prabhupāda:Reporter (1):Prabhupāda:Woman Reporter:Sri Govinda:Prabhupāda:Viśākhā:Reporter (1):Prabhupāda:Reporter (1):Prabhupāda:Reporter (1):Prabhupāda:Report…
SB 1.8.18
Prabhupāda: Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. [devotees repeat] [leads chanting of verse] " kunty uvāca namasye puruṣaṁ tu ādyam īśvaraṁ prakṛteḥ param alakṣyaṁ sarva-bhūtānāmDevotee:Prabhupāda:Devotees:
Morning Walk
Devotee: [announces] Morning walk, Chicago, July 4th. Prabhupāda: ...resembling Boston. That students’ quarter? Brahmānanda: Yes. [break] Prabhupāda: Next. Go to the beach no. [break] Sweet water? Bhavānanda: Yes. Prabhupāda: No. Bhavānanda: This is sweet water, yes. Fresh water. [break] Prabhupāda: ...Angeles, I have seen while going to the beach, one man has made a boat of concrete cement. Did you see? Nobody marked?Viṣṇujana:Prabhupāda:Viṣṇujana:Prabhupāda:Tamāla Kṛṣṇa:Viṣṇujana:Prabhu…
Room Conversation with the Mayor of Evanston
Prabhupāda: ...magazine? Mayor: No. I know the article on the crime, and I have it at home, but I have not read it as yet. But we certainly know that it’s a tremendous problem in the United States, perhaps throughout the world and certainly here. Prabhupāda: It is not a problem. Just like there is disease, and there is remedy also. And as much as the disease is chronic, the remedy is also costly. So in the Western countriesMayor:Prabhupāda:Mayor:Prabhupāda:Tamāla Kṛṣṇa:Prabhupāda:Tamāla …
SB 6.1.20
Nitāi: [leads chanting of verse, etc.] " atra codāharantīmam itihāsaṁ purātanam dūtānāṁ viṣṇu-yamayoḥ saṁvādas taṁ nibodha me []" [break] [00:26] Translation. “In this connection, the learned scholars and saintly persons give as an example the description of one very old historical incident, wherein a discussion takes place between the order carriers of Lord Viṣṇu and the order carriers of Yamarāja. Please try and understand it as I describe it to you.Prabhupāda:Devotees:Prabhup…
Cc. Madhya 20.98-99
Pradyumna: Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. [devotees repeat] [leads chanting, etc.] " tabe sanātana prabhura caraṇe dhariyā dainya vinati kare dante tṛṇa lañā nīca jāti, nīca-saṅgī, patita adhamaPrabhupāda:Devotees:
Morning Walk
[in car: loud tape of “Hare Krishna Happening” Album, with Prabhupāda chanting, playing in background] Rūpānuga: ...and how we danced at the end? You were dancing with karatālas when you were listening to the record. Prabhupāda: Now we have got our own studio. We also do. What is his name? Allen?Rūpānuga:Prabhupāda:Rūpānuga:Prabhupāda:Rūpānuga:Prabhupāda:Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa:Prabhupāda:Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa:Prabhupāda:Rūpānuga:Prabhupāda:Rūpānuga:Prabhupāda:Rūpānuga:Prabhupāda:Rūpānuga:Prabhupāda:R…
Room Conversation
Prabhupāda: ...punaḥ punaś carvita carvaṇānām [SB 7.5.30], again spend millions of dollars. And our rascal Indian leaders, they are also. What is that here, she has remarked, “Hare Kṛṣṇa cult.” Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa: Oh, yeah, that Indian cultural organization. Rūpānuga: Who said that?Prabhupāda:Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa:Hari-śauri:Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa:Rūpānuga:Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa:Prabhupāda:Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa:Prabhupāda:Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa:Prabhupāda:Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa:Prabhupāda:Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa:Prabhupāda:Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa:Rūpānuga:Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa:Rūpānuga:Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇ…
“Life Comes From Life” Slideshow Discussions
Rūpānuga: Svarūpa Dāmodara Prabhu, You want to ask some questions? Svarūpa Dāmodara: Yes. Prabhupāda: What is that? Astronomical chart? Svarūpa Dāmodara: Oh, it was just, Pradyumna was just telling me all this... Yes, astronomical chart, the moons, and... Prabhupāda: Astrological? Svarūpa Dāmodara: Yes, astrological. Prabhupāda:Svarūpa Dāmodara:Prabhupāda:Svarūpa Dāmodara:Prabhupāda:Svarūpa Dāmodara:Prabhupāda:Svarūpa Dāmodara:Prabhupāda:Svarūpa Dāmodara:Prabhupāda:Svarūpa Dāmodara:Pr…
Letters July 4
My dear Balai, Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your letter of June 20, 1968, and I am so glad to learn that you are living happily as householders. I want to see all my disciples to live such peacefully and execute such Krishna Consciousness. That is the perfection of life. It does not matter whether one is Brahmacari or householder, the real test is how he is executing Krishna...
Upendra San Francisco My dear Upendra, Please accept my blessings. I was in due receipt of your letter dated Sunday, June 23, 1968. And your vivid description of the prearrangement of Rathayatra ceremony was so nice and elaborate that it has moved my heart. I thank you very much for grasping the momentum of Krishna Consciousness, by your advanced service attitude. I can only wish that Krishna may...
My dear Jaya Govinda, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 23, 1969, sent along with your German language Back To Godhead. It is very, very nice. You have achieved a great blessing from my Guru Maharaja. My Guru Maharaja had an ambition to publish the message of Lord Caitanya in all the languages of the world, and when He was present in India, He published six...
Krsna dasa My dear Krishna Das, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated June 25, 1969, and I understand that you have already purchased the ticket for my journey from New York to Luxembourg on the 8th of July. But now I am staying at Los Angeles, so naturally you have to purchase my ticket from Los Angeles or San Francisco to Luxembourg. So for the time being...
My dear Pradyumna, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 28, 1969, sent by Special Delivery, and I am replying as follows. If Mr. Vora is going to Bombay, he can find out some reliable supplier of musical instruments. One friend gave me the following address: M/s D.S. Ramsingh & Bros., Harmonium Manufacturers and dealers in musical instruments; 344-48, Manchram...
Acyutananda Calcutta My dear Acyutananda, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 21st June, 1970, as well as the telegram conveying the news of Jayapataka’s arrival. I am also enclosing a letter for him in reply to his letter from Brussels.
San Francisco My dear Himavati, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated nil and I am very sorry to learn that you are injured in a motor accident. I have come to San Francisco on account of Rathayatra festival and shall be returning by next Tuesday.
Nayanabhirama Philadelphia My dear Nayana Bhirama, Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you very much for your letter dated 1st July, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. I am so glad to hear how nicely you performed Rathayatra festival. Next year you can perform the regular ceremony with a cart, as we are doing in San Francisco and London. That will be very nice. It doesn
Cleveland My dear Sri Govinda, Srilekha, Bob, Leon, Will, Woody and Mike Prabhus. Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you very much for your kind letter dated nil. You will be glad to know that very soon I am coming to N.Y., perhaps by the middle of this month. So perhaps it will be possible for you to come and see me there. Or else, shortly thereafter I may visit Pittsburgh and New Vrindaban,...
Tribhuvanatha London My dear Tribhuvanatha, Please accept my blessings and offer the same to all the boys and girls there who have worked so hard to make Rathayatra festival in London, scheduled for today, a grand success. Please let me know how things have worked out, and how many people attended the function.
Dr. Ram S. Verma, Mrs. Ram S. Verma Dr. & Mrs. Ram S. Verma 1325 Madison St. Apt. 203 Denver, Colorado 80206 Dear Dr. Verma: Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge with thanks your letter undated with enclosed donation of .00 and thank you very much. You have a good position by the grace of Krishna, and I request you to continue on in this spirit of service to the Lord.
Bombay My dear Giriraja das: Please accept my blessings. I have received your report via telephone and it is a very good news that you have received the NOC for the construction of the temple. So, you begin the work, and money will come to you by the grace of God. Don
Tokyo My dear Gurukrpa Swami: Please accept my blessings. I may inform you that we have received the permission for constructing our Juhu temple. I want that your collection should be sent there so that the buildings may be completed as soon as possible.
Mayapur My dear Jayapataka Swami: Please accept my blessings. In Hawaii they are arranging for manufacturing plastic kholes. You can arrange one or two Bengali experts in making and fitting the heads of the kholes. They must be prepared to stay with us for at least one year. We will pay their transportation to Hawaii and return and also a small salary. Our men can then learn from them. We now require...
Manindra Denver My dear Manindra devi dasi: Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 3, 1975 and I thank you very much for your nice sentiments. It is simply by the grace of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu that we have now got a feeling for service to Krishna. Krishna is so perfect that He comes and teaches us personally how to become Krishna conscious. What Lord Caitanya...
Honolulu My dear Paramahamsa Swami and Srutakirti das: Please accept my blessings. Now we have a plan for expanding our Sankirtana and we will be needing so many hundreds of mrdangas. So you have got the fiberglass shells there, so I am informing Jayapataka Swami to arrange for one or two Bengali craftsmen to come and stay with you for at least one year to make the skins. Then our men can learn from...
Ramesvara Los Angeles My dear Ramesvara das: Please accept my blessings. I may inform you that in Bombay they have received the sanction for constructing the temple in Juhu. Until further order whatever money you collect should be sent to Bombay. You should print books as far as possible, and whatever money you collect should be sent to Bombay.
Krsna Balarama Mandir, Bhaktivedanta Swami Marg, Ramanareti, Vrndavana, U.P. The Postmaster, P.O. Vrndavana, District Mathura, U.P. Dear Sir, I authorize the Postmaster of Vrndavana to deliver registered insured articles, parcels and money orders addressed to me to my messenger, Sri Tamal Krsna Gosvami, whose signature appears below, and on the Postmaster

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