Spoken June 12
SB 7.6.1
This verse we have been discussing in our last meeting. The purport is: “From very childhood, very childhood, the boys, the children, should be taught about this God consciousness, or Kṛṣṇa consciousness.” The mistake of modern civilization is that we are, I mean to say, bringing up spoiled children. So when they are grown up, if they become hippies or communists, it is not their fault. It is the fault of the guardians. It is the fault of the guardians. When the people become just something against the social convention, it is not the fault of the youngsters, but it is the fault of the education system, it is the fault of the parents, it is fault of the teachers. Because they are not teaching. Prahlāda Mahārāja says that from the very childhood one should be taught. I have seen in India. The Muhammadans, they are very much particular about it. The small children, within ten years, they are… From the very beginning they are taught Koran in the mosques. I have seen. In my Delhi headquarter, it is just behind the Jama Musjid. You have heard the name of Jama Musjid. That is the greatest mosque in the world. Many foreigners go to see it. It was constructed by Emperor Shah Jahan, say, about three hundred years or little more than that. So the Muhammadans, they are very particular to teach the Koran from the very beginning. That’s a very nice system. Either you teach Koran or you, Koran, Bible, or you teach Bhagavad-gītā, it doesn’t matter. One should have the idea of God consciousness. Then he can develop. So this opportunity should be offered to the children. If not, they are not real guardians, real parents, or real teachers. Why? Durlabhaṁ mānuṣaṁ janma. This Prahlāda Mahārāja teaching is not this Bhāgavatam. Just mark it. Prahlāda Mahārāja says, dharmān bhāgavatān, “the religion of God consciousness.” He does not say Hindu religion or Muhammadan religion or Christian religion.
SB 2.3.17
Prabhupāda: So, āyur harati vai puṁsām. The sunshine, sunrise and sunset, means decreasing our life. It is very nice example. The sun’s business is to take away a portion of your span of life. That is business. But he cannot take away the portion of the life of a devotee. Because a devotee is going to live. This Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is to give a living entity a permanent span of life. Uttama-śloka-vārtayā. Uttama-śloka is Kṛṣṇa. Uttama-śloke… Bhaktir bhavati naiṣṭhikī uttama-ślo…, bhagavaty uttama-śloke. In another place it is stated, tadā… Naṣṭa-prāyeṣv abhadreṣu. Naṣṭa-prāyeṣv abhadreṣu nityaṁ bhāgavata-sevayā. Nityam… Just like we are holding class daily, nityam, regularly. Nityam means regularly, daily, always. So nityaṁ bhāgavata-sevayā. The beginning… Just like when a man is infected with a disease, he is subjected to death. Crude example. So when a man falls diseased, the physician tries to get him relieved from that infection. So our material body is an infection. Actually, we spiritual soul, we have no death. It is due to this infection. This infection is called dirty things. Actually it is dirt. “Dust thou art, dust thou be-ist,” that’s a fact. Because as soon as I, the soul, will leave this body, it will be immediately decomposed, and after a few days it will be earth, dust. So actually it is dirt. So we have to cleanse this dirt from my real identity, spiritual life. This is the process. And this cleansing process is very nicely done simply by hearing the message of Uttama-śloka, or Kṛṣṇa. You haven’t got to scratch it with some machine. No. It will be automatically cleansed if you simply give aural reception to the message of the Uttama-śloka, which is, in other word, it is called kṛṣṇa-kathā. Kṛṣṇa-kathā means words of Kṛṣṇa. Kathā means words, and kṛṣṇa, you understand. So kṛṣṇa-kathā, Bhagavad-gītā, Kṛṣṇa personally ...
Car Conversation
Prabhupāda: Yes. Rascals, they want to live in city and drink wine and eat meat. So there must be problems. This civilization is simply to create problem, anartha. Anartha. Anartha means unnecessarily problems. So these rascals, they do not know how to solve it. But the solution is this bhakti-yoga. That is stated in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam: anarthopaśamaṁ sākṣād bhakti-yogam adhokṣaje lokasyājānato vidvāṁś cakre sātvata-saṁhitām These anartha, problem, they have created under the influence of māyā. So if you want to solve it, you take to bhakti-yoga. Anarthopaśamam. Directly it will be solved. Directly. Anarthopaśamaṁ sākṣād bhakti-yogam, lokasya ajānataḥ. The rascals, they do not know. Therefore vidvān, Vyāsadeva, the most learned, vidvāṁś cakre sātvata-saṁhitām, he has done this sātvata, Vaiṣṇava literature, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. That is the only solution. These rascals, they have created problems. Therefore we have started this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement for their benefit. Let them cooperate, and we shall make solution of all problems—political, social, everything. Let them come and cooperate.
Morning Walk
Paramahaṁsa: You have quoted a great English poet who says that “Man has created the city…” Prabhupāda: Ah, yes. Paramahaṁsa: “…and God has created the country.” Prabhupāda: This is the statement of Mr. Cowper. Man has created nothing. Suppose this building, man has created. But wherefrom the ingredient comes? Has man created? This stone, man has created? Eh? What do you think? Is this stone creation of man? Paramahaṁsa: No. Prabhupāda: Then what… You have done the work of a laborer, that’s all. You have taken ingredients from God and worked hard and transformed into a step. That’s all. Your creation means just like carpenter creates a furniture. That’s all. That is his creation. Then that is… Economic law says that man cannot create anything. He can simply transform. These trees, has man created these trees? Why do they claim man has created everything? Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa: But they will say that they made the garden. Prabhupāda: Eh? Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa: They will say that they made a very nice garden. Prabhupāda: That’s all. That is the business of gardener, servant, not creator. That is the business of the servant. Just like I keep a gardener servant, and “Do like this. Do like that.” That is not he is creator. It is my money which has created. Therefore it is Kṛṣṇa’s, everything. That is Kṛṣṇa consciousness, that you have not created anything; you are servant. You are working, and Kṛṣṇa is giving you your subsistence. That’s all. So why don’t you accept that you are servant of God instead of claiming that you have created? What you have created? This is our challenge. Am I right or wrong?
Room Conversation with Roger Maria
Prabhupāda: No, I’ll give you example that mass of people in Jagannātha Purī, in Vṛndāvana, many thousands, ten thousand, twenty thousand people, every day come to worship Jagannātha, to worship Kṛṣṇa, but there is a Ramakrishna temple in Belur Math, or somewhere else—nobody goes. So how do you say the mass of people are attracted to Ramakrishna? And similarly, recently our foreign students went to Vṛndāvana, went to Navadvīpa, by thousand, but nobody goes to Ramakrishna Mission temple. Then other point: Ramakrishna Mission is working in the Western world almost one hundred years. Find out their disciples so many we have got. So your statement, “It is meant for the mass of people,” it is false. I have given you proof from India and from here also. That means throughout the whole world. In India nobody cares for Ramakrishna. That I have given you proof. You go to Vṛndāvana. There nobody cares for Ramakrishna. You go to Jagannātha Purī, Haridwar, so many holy places. Nobody cares for Ramakrishna. So your idea that it is for the mass, it is false.
Room Conversation with M. Lallier, noted French Poet
Prabhupāda: It is not possible, but he’s trying to do that. That is the disease. Just like in your country, Napoleon, he tried his best to use whole Europe to be controlled by him. So he made some attempt, but he is finished now. The Europe is there, but he’s gone away. Similarly, it is just like… The example is: Just like a fly wants to enjoy the fire. He comes with force there, and he is finished. Similarly, in this material world, every, all living entities, they’re trying to enjoy. With great force, they are coming. And different capacities, they try to enjoy, but they themselves become finished. The things remain where it was. So, so many living entities… Just like the example, the fly, is very proper. So many flies are coming, phut! phut! phut! phut! in the big fire. You have no experience here?
SB 2.1.3
Prabhupāda: So this is our civilization. At night also, we waste our time, and in daytime also, we waste our time. How? Now, nidrayā hriyate naktam. At night, we sleep. Everyone sleeps. The dogs sleeps, the cat sleeps. We may sleep in a very nice apartment, skyscraper building, and the dog may sleep on the street, but the pleasure of sleeping is the same. It does not mean that because you are sleeping in a very nice apartment, a skyscraper building, your sleep is better than the dog’s sleeping. How it is sleep…? Sometimes you may dream something very ferocious, and the dog may sleep without any agitation, he sound…, sleeps sound. Sometimes you have to take tranquilizer pill for sleeping. So impartially studying, your sleep is not as nice as dog’s sleep. Is it not? The dogs sleep without any anxiety, and I go to sleep with so many anxieties that the sleeping is disturbing unless I take one pill. At least, in America we have seen. In your country, in Paris, you do not? You sleep without pill? Is it? That’s good credit. Anyway, every one of us, we sleep at night. And another our, means, advantage is that at night we enjoy sex life. Sleep or sex life. Nidrayā hriyate naktaṁ vyavāyena. Vyavāyena means sex. Vyavāya.
Room Conversation
Do this. Always chant, think of Me, that mām evaiṣyasi asaṁśayam, be assured you will come to Me. So why don’t you do your duty? And Kṛṣṇa assures, they will come to Me, there is no doubt. [indistinct]. Why should he bother for the future? If you do exactly according to the rules and regulations, then your future is guaranteed. Even it is not guaranteed, still I shall go on doing. And that is pure. It is guaranteed. Kṛṣṇa said, mām evaiṣyasi asaṁśayam, so why do you doubt? Why there should be doubt? Kṛṣṇa said it is guaranteed. Why should you bother about future? You, you bother whether you are doing rightly or not. That should be your business. Otherwise Kṛṣṇa assures. Where is doubt? Huh? The future is assured by Kṛṣṇa, and…, why you are doubting? That you don’t believe in Kṛṣṇa. You have to see whether you are doing rightly what Kṛṣṇa says. That is your business. What is the use of thinking past, future, present? Do your duty as Kṛṣṇa says, as spiritual master says, then everything is all right. There is no question or doubt. Kṛṣṇa says, asaṁśayam, mām evaiṣyasi asaṁśayam. Asaṁśayam means without a doubt you will come to Me.
Interview with Jackie Vaughn, State Representative
Prabhupāda: Kṛṣṇa is black, and we worship Him. [laughter] You have seen our Deity? Yes. Kṛṣṇa is from your community. [Prabhupāda laughs] There is no question of black and white. Kṛṣṇa consciousness is above the skin—the soul which is there. Either he’s black or white or yellow, it doesn’t matter. Dehino ‘smin yathā dehe [Bg. 2.13]. This is the first education, that do not take the body, but the living force within the body. That is important; we have to understand that. We are talking from that platform. Therefore sometimes it is little difficult, because people are very much absorbed with bodily concept of life. But our philosophy begins from that platform where there is no more bodily concept of life. Therefore it is little difficult.
SB 6.1.46
Just like, now this month of June, we have got a certain type of experience what are the natural changes, atmosphere, in this month of June. Similarly, when you are in month of December, you can foretell what will be the next month of June. It is not difficult, because you have got experience, the atmospheric changes and situations in this month of June. Just like in Bombay there is practical calculation that by the tenth of June, the rain, rainy season will begin. Actually so happens. In different places, different types of seasonal changes. So everything should be seen through the śāstra. Śāstra-cakṣuṣāt. This is Vedic process. In the śāstra it is said that ūrdhvaṁ gacchanti sattva-sthāḥ [Bg. 14.18]: elevation in this material world is when a person is in the sattva-guṇa, the modes of goodness. And middle, via media, is rajo-guṇa. Madhye tiṣṭhanti rājasāḥ. And jaghanya-guṇa-vṛtti-sthā adho gacchanti tāmasāḥ: those who are very, very low class, jaghanya-vṛtti, their behavior is very, very abominable, they go down, adho gacchanti.
Letters June 12
Mr. Mittra, United Shipping Corporation Mr. Mittra UNITED SHIPPING CORPORATION 14/2, Old China Bazar Street, Room No. 18, Calcutta 1. INDIA Dear Mr. Mittra, I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 5, 1968, and have noted the contents. I cannot follow exactly what the account is; and a few days ago the president, Brahmananda, came to see me, and I understand that he is regularly corresponding...
My dear Rayarama, Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your letter of June 9th, 1968, and it is very kind of you that you are seriously thinking Krishna Consciousness movement and trying to engage yourself more and more seriously. My blessings are always with you. You are very sincere boy trying your best to serve Krishna and by His Grace you are quite fit for this business, and...
My dear Subala, Please accept my blessings. I am in due reciept of your letter of June 10th, 1968, and noted the contents carefully. Yes, you can have the band play there in the temple as you are in great need of money to carry on there. When we are in need of money to carry on Krishna
whom it may concern To whom it may concern: This is to certify that my disciples, Sriman Acyutananda Brahmacari, Sriman Jaya Govinda Brahmacari, and Sriman Harivilasa Brahmacari, are sent to India under my instruction to study Sanskrit, Hindi, and Bengali. Our institution is duly incorporated in the state of New York as a religious society and is recognized by the United Nations, being listed in...
R. Chalson My dear R. Chalson, I beg to thank you very much for your kind letter dated June 8, 1969, addressed to our New York temple and forwarded to me. I am very pleased to read the contents. My Spiritual Master, Om Visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja Prabhupada, sometimes used to say that if after selling all of my property I can convert one person to Krishna Consciousness...
Syamasundara My dear Syamasundara, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 5, 1969, and with great joy I understand that at last you have secured one nice house which can accommodate twenty or thirty people. I have immediately asked Trivikrama das Brahmacari of Buffalo to go there, and he is sending Mukunda one telegram confirming this. I am also advising Vibhavati...
Tamala Krsna My dear Tamala Krishna, Please accept my blessings. I am so pleased to receive your letter of June 9, 1969, and I can understand that Krishna is giving you intelligence how to manage the Western Coast branches of our society. I think you should now make an
Vibhavati My dear Vibhavati, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your nice letter dated June 7, along with your article published in the Montreal Star on the same day. Everything appears to be very nice, and your service in this connection is recognized. You have done a great service by meeting with Mr. John Lennon. He is an influential man, and at least you have been able to publicize...
London devotees London TO: Mukunda, Nara Narayana, Jeffrey Coker, Lan, Mandakini, Aditi, Tribhuvanatha, Jaya Hari, Sananda Kumara, Vivienne, Neville Carr, Nicolas, Charlie, Serena, Rancor, Pratajas, Phillip, Jill, Nigel, James Gavin Statt, Devadatta, Draupadi, Dhruvananda, Devaki, John, Jim, Greg, Jaya Jagadisa, John.
Satsvarupa My dear Satsvarupa, Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you very much for your letter dated 28th May, 1971 and have noted the contents. You should know that you are always with me. I am always thinking of you and your service. So there is no question of you being separated from me at any time. And you will be glad to know that very soon I am coming to Boston for installing the Deities....
Tokyo My dear Sudama, Please accept my blessings. Just recently I have received one very interesting letter from Damari Toshio Inove and the reply to his letter is enclosed herewith. His letter I am sending to Satsvarupa and he may publish it in Back To Godhead. Here is a boy who was to commit suicide, but he came to Krishna instead and now he is perfecting his life. That is most encouraging news....
Yogesvara Hamburg My dear Yogesvara, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 27th June, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. Very soon I shall be coming to Europe. On the 20th June I will be going to Moscow for five days and from there I will go to Paris and then London. At that time I may come and see your press also.
My dear Acyutananda, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter from Calcutta dated June 12, 1972, and have appreciated the contents. I am especially pleased that you have stayed some days and got the tapes of Lalita Prashad Thakura for posterity. If you send them to Syamasundara immediately he has all facilities here to transcribe them, and get them printed immediately. As for...
Bali-mardana New York My dear Bali-mardana, Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter dated June 4, 1972, along with the copy of our latest book, The Perfection of Yoga, and the article from “Publisher’s Weekly” magazine. I am very much pleased that you are publishing these small booklets. They are so much attractive that any man will purchase one without hesitation. Many of...
My dear Caturbhuja, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated June 8, 1972, and I have well appreciated your sentiments. Your father has indicated to me that he shall be returning to London very shortly, so I have encouraged him to meet me there when I shall arrive there by July 5th. So you may be assured, and your mother may be assured, that your father will be...
Vrndavana My dear Guru das, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated May 22 and May 30, 1972, from Delhi and Vrndavana camps respectively. I am very, very pleased to hear that you have accomplished your task for getting the CCP license, it is a very great service. I have instructed Karandhara to always send accompanying cover letter and statements of quantity...
Santi (Sandy Van Horn), Vinode Vani (Debra Perry), Giridhari (Geoffrey Perry) Houston My dear Sons and Daughters, Please accept my blessings. Upon the recommendation of Pusta Krishna Swami I have gladly consented to accept all of you as my duly initiated disciples. Your beads have been duly chanted by me and they are sent by separate post. I have given you spiritual names as follows:
My dear Sivananda, Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter dated 1st June, 1972, and upon your recommendation I am glad to accept Peter Brinkmann as my duly initiated disciple. His letter follows. Yes, I shall be glad to meet with you in London during Rathayatra in a few weeks, and at that time I shall be very glad to give you the Sannyas order of life, so you may prepare for that....
Tejiyas Tejiyas das Adhikari, For the time being, until we have seen the original contract with MacMillan Co., you may wait on this matter. I shall contact you further when I have seen if it is Possible. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
My dear Tejiyas, Please accept my blessings. I am in due reciept of your letter dated June 2, 1972, and I have noted the contents. I am very pleased to hear from you and from Guru das that your preaching work in Delhi is continuing on very nicely and that you are meeting with very good success by making many life members. Actually, this making life members is the certain sign that our preaching work...
Hansadutta Heidelberg, Germany My dear Hansadutta, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 2, 1973 and I have noted the contents carefully. I have not yet received any copies of the Swedish booklet. I am very, very pleased that you are continuously holding festivals.
Madhudvisa My dear Madhudvisa, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 29, 1973 and have noted the contents carefully. So, everything is going on so nicely there. So many books are being distributed. There are good prospects for a new temple. You are going to introduce three rathas this year for Rathayatra. This is all very pleasing and inspiring to me. I would very...
Batu Gopala Cleveland My dear Batu Gopala dasa, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 9, 1975 and have noted the contents. Thank you very much for selling so many books there. This is very much wanted. Try to sell again more and more each day. Regarding naming your Cleveland center, New Govardhana Hill is a very nice name. But as far as worshiping a Govardhana...
Jagannatha-suta Los Angeles My dear Jagannatha-suta dasa, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 10, 1975 and have noted the contents. I have received the new BTG magazine. It is very nice issue. Having the Indian Rathayatra on the cover and the American one on the inside makes a good contrast.
Lokanatha Vrindaban My dear Lokanatha Swami, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 2, 1976 and I have noted the contents with pleasure. I am very glad to see that you are enthusiastically pushing forward with this preaching work and the young Indians are coming forward to join our sankirtana party. It is very encouraging to me. Anyone who has life he can preach,...
Hyderabad My dear Mahamsa Maharaja, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 26, 1976 and I have noted the contents with care. Concerning the installation ceremonies, it is approved that you get some leading Ramanuja Pandits from S. India. The Vrindaban Pandits were useless. But one thing. Along with the panditas, our men should also join in.
Manager, Central Bank of India The Manager, Central Bank of India, Camac Street Branch, 10 Camac Street, Calcutta-17, India 197 Danks Street, Albert Park, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Dear Sir: The monthly interest accrued from the Fixed Deposit Receipt in the name of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust may be transferred to Vrinda Book Co. account with your branch for the 3 months of May, June,...
The Manager, Central Bank of India 10 Camac St., Calcutta-17, India 340 W. 55th. St., New York, New York 10019 U.S. Dear Sir: On April 21, 1976, I advised you the following: “The monthly interest accrued from the Fixed Deposit Receipt in the name of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust may be transferred to Vrinda Book Co. account with your branch for the 3 months of May, Jun, and Jyly of 1976, unless...

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