Spoken February 10
Cc. Ādi 7.80-95
Prabhupāda: " ...nāhi mane eta cinti’ nivediluṅ gurura caraṇe [Cc. Ādi 7.80]" So Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Mahāprabhu is describing His practical experience chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa. When He saw Himself that “I am getting almost like a madman,” so He again approached His spiritual master and submitted, Devotee:Prabhupāda:
Lecture [partially recorded]
Prabhupāda: After each and every verse we chant, govindam ādi-puruṣaṁ tam ahaṁ bhajāmi. Similarly, we repeat Kṛṣṇa---Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare/ Hare Rāma, Hare Rāma, Rāma Rāma, Hare Hare. Why we repeat? The more we repeat means we learn to love. That is required. Anything which you do not love, you cannot repeat. It will be disgusting. Anything, any word you take, if you simply repeat, you
SB 6.3.16-17
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.3.16–17 Prabhupāda: " yaṁ vai na gobhir manasāsubhir vā hṛdā girā vāsu-bhṛto vicakṣate ātmānam antar-hṛdi santam ātmanāṁ [sic:] yac-cakṣur yathaivākṛtayāntaḥ param [SB 6.3.16]" Tasmād..., tan-māyā-mohitatvād na jānanti ity uktam aviṣayatvāc ca tasya ity āha.Revatīnandana:Prabhupāda:Devotee (1):Prabhupāda:Devotee (1):Prabhupāda:Tamāla Kṛṣṇa:Prabhupāda:Tamāla Kṛṣṇa:Haṁsadūta:Prabhupāda:Haṁsadūta:Prabhupāda:Haṁsadūta:Prabhupāda:Haṁsadūta:Prabhupāda:Haṁsadūta:Prabhupāda:H…
Bg 4.3 Lecture
Prabhupada: " bhakto ‘si me sakhā ceti rahasyaṁ hy etad uttamam [Bg. 4.3]" So this verse we discussed last night, that this bhagavad-bhakti-yoga is not a new thing. It is purātanaḥ. Kṛṣṇa says, yogaḥ proktaḥ purātanaḥ [Bg. 4.3]. So just like I was discussing now with Dr. Kapoor, our philosophy is not new:
Morning Walk Through the BBT Warehouse
[in car] Jayatīrtha: ...he’s in māyā. He doesn’t feel that he’ll be able to surrender to whatever instruction you give, so he doesn’t want to appear before you. Devotee: Hare Kṛṣṇa. [Testing microphone] Prabhupāda: [indistinct] He doesn’t want to become a cheater.Jayatīrtha:Prabhupāda:Jayatīrtha:Prabhupāda:Jayatīrtha:Prabhupāda:Hṛdayānanda:Haṁsadūta:Hṛdayānanda:Haṁsadūta:Prabhupāda:Devotee:Rāmeśvara:Prabhupāda:Haṁsadūta:Rāmeśvara:Prabhupāda:Rāmeśvara:Prabhupāda:Rāmeśvara:Prabhupāda:Rāmeśvara:…
SB 2.8.7
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 2.8.7 Prabhupāda: [Prema-dhvani] Thank you very much. Hare Kṛṣṇa. Where is karatāla? My karatāla is in that... Where is Nitāi? Jayatīrtha: [indistinct] Prabhupāda: Heh? Jayatīrtha: It was planned for you to lecture this evening, rather than this morning. Prabhupāda: Management?Devotee:Prabhupāda:Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa:Prabhupāda:Devotees:Prabhupāda:Devotees:Prabhupāda:Devotee:Nitāi:Prabhupāda:Devotees:Prabhupāda:Devotees:Prabhupāda:
Morning Walk
Prabhupāda: What is this meaning? Hari-śauri: They say that’s just a figure of speech. Prabhupāda: Eh? Hari-śauri: A figure of speech. Not meant to be literal. Prabhupāda: Everything is theory. No practical. [break] ...ten direction. Eight direction, corner, and north-east, east-west, and up and down. So everywhere He is present. So Kṛṣṇa has got ten hands. So my father used to say, Tamāla Kṛṣṇa:Prabhupāda:Hṛdayānanda:Prabhupāda:Hṛdayānanda:Prabhupāda:Tamāla Kṛṣṇa:Prabhupāda:Tamāla Kṛṣṇa:Pra…
SB 7.9.3
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.9.3 Hṛdayānanda: “Thereafter Lord Brahmā requested Prahlāda Mahārāja, who was standing very nearby, and asked Prahlāda Mahārāja to go forward and said, ‘My dear son, Lord Nṛsiṁha-deva is very, very angry upon your demonic father, and you can go forward and appease Him, the Lord.Prabhupāda:
SB 7.9.1
Pradyumna: " śrī-nārada uvāca..." [break] [leads chanting of synonyms] Translation: “The great saint Nārada Muni continued: The demigods, headed by Lord Brahmā, Lord Śiva and other great demigods, dared not come forward before the Lord, who at that time was extremely angry.Prabhupāda:Pradyumna:Prabhupāda:
Letters February 10
My dear Brahmananda, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your note along with Sriman Kirtanananda’s letter. They are very much anxious to get the records since you have sent the cover only. Please ask Mr. Lerner if Mr. Kallman is unwilling to send the records for reasons known to him so that I can inform here to the parties concerned. We must have some definite understanding instead...
My dear Jadurani, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 7th February 1967 and have carefully noted the contents. May krishna be pleased on you more and more for your sincere service. As you are good artist so also you write good hand. Accept Krishna as your husband and He will never cheat you. He is competent to maintain any number of wife with full comforts because...
My dear Kirtanananda, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter of 7th (March) February 1967 and I am very glad to learn that you are improving your department very nicely. I learn also that you made the new kachori according to my direction and it has come out very successful. I have taught two more things to Ranchor namely
Satsvarupa My dear Satsvarupa, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your note. Yes please send me immediately one copy of Bhakti Sutra (with original Sankrit text). I shall immediately begin the commentary. Yes you can edit on the tapes of Teachings of Lord Caitanya. I am very pleased to receive your voluntary offer. Thank you very much.
c/o Mendoza Bronx, N.Y. My dear Ekayani, Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your very intelligent letter dated 28 January, 1970. I am so glad to learn that you are taking very much interest in the Deity worship, and such activities must be accompanied with chanting of the Holy Name regularly. Actually chanting of the Holy Name regularly is our life and soul, and on the basis of...
London My dear Syamasundara, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your two letters dated January 31 and February 3, 1970 respectively. Your attitude of humbleness and meekness in the service of Krishna Consciousness is the only qualification which can lead us to upper grade of Krishna Consciousness, and this is the version of Lord Caitanya. Your service is appreciated not only...
Central Bank of India Bombay Dear Sir: Re: My Home Savings Account No. 14538 with you. Please find enclosed check No. A-T458304 for Rs. 3305.50 (Rupees three thousand three hundred and five and fifty paise only). Please credit my above account with Rs. 3305.50 and return the counterfoil receipt to me.
Karandhara Dear Karandhara, Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter of 1/24/73 concerning polygamy and feel that this policy must be strictly prohibited within our society. If it is not it shall only cause chaos, as what was possible under the system of pure Vedic Culture is impossible at the present time.
Satsvarupa My dear Satsvarupa, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated January 22nd, and 23rd and have noted the contents carefully. I am very much encouraged that you are taking this program of preaching to the college students seriously and this is very important program. Regarding your various questions. First let us understand that polygamy cannot be permitted in...
My dear Tamala Krishna, Jayapataka, Bhavananda and Gargamuni, Please accept my blessings. While travelling here to Melbourne I was thinking how wonderful our Mayapur project is and how it can be developed in the future. I want that Mayapur be self-sufficient by having its own production of grains, vegetables, fruits and milk products etc., to the extent that you will be able to feed at least 500 men...
Caracas Dear Bir Krsna, Please accept my blessings. I have received your report of January 23, 1977, and examined the contents. Your dedication to translating and distributing my books in Caracas is very pleasing to me. This will be the most effective method for carrying out Lord Caitany(Cc. Ādi 9.41)