New York ¶
My dear Tamala Krishna, ¶
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter from Nairobi dated 3rd inst. and have noted the contents. Africans should not be allowed to live in the temple there unless they are dangerproof. Of course you must preach, but if you allow them to live, you must be little careful—better not to allow. Chanting and prasada distribution is very nice. Let them come, take prasada and become practiced for Krishna consciousness. In suitable cases they can be given 1st initiation, but no 2nd for the time being.* ¶
Yes, the GBCs should move and visit other other zones, and I quite approve that the GBC chairman can do this. ¶
I hope this meets you in good health. ¶
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ¶
*Note: this has been informed to Brahmananda
ACBS/as ¶