Sri Krishna Pandit — November 7, 1972

Sriman Haribhaktanu das Sri Krishna Pandit,
4092 Kucha Dilvali Singh,
Ajmeri Gate, Delhi-6. 

My dear Sri Krishnaji, 

Please accept my greetings and blessings of Lord Krishna. I am in due receipt of your letter dated October 29, 1972. I very much regret for the loss of your good wife. I always remember her because she was so kind upon me when I used to visit your house. She was so affectionately feeding me, so I felt very much when I learned that she is no more in this world. Anyway, she was a pious lady, and she has left this world keeping her husband and children all well-placed and happy, so her death as a chaste lady is exemplary. Lord Sri Krishna will surely give her peace and prosperity in her next birth. 

I am expected to go to Delhi by 20th March, 1973, for holding our pandal programme, as we have done last year, coming there from Mayapur. So I shall look forward eagerly to seeing you again at that time.* Meanwhile, I am hoping that this meets you in the very best of health. 

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami 

*If I visit Delhi in the meantime, I will inform you. ACB 

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