This is the humble beginning of our unified index from the back-of-books indexes.
Absolute Truth
access to, devotion to Lord as; all features realized in Kṛṣṇa; Ambarīṣa aware of; approached by process of knowledge; approached via "dovetailing" process; as acintya-bhedābheda-tattva; as aim of life; as all-knowing; as all-pervading; as ānandamaya;...
Acyuta, Kṛṣṇa’s forms as; absolute, compared with mundane; as gauge of character; as Lord’s potency; as selfish or selfless; as suffering; association with nature’s modes &; auspicious & inauspicious; body given according to; bondage to; bondage...
In his books, Srila Prabhupāda often uses simple and relatable analogies to help illustrate complex spiritual concepts. Just as a skilled teacher uses various examples to make a subject matter clear to students, Srila Prabhupāda employs analogies from everyday...
as bodily transformation; as criminal; as ignorance symptom; as ignorance; as ominous sign; as self-defeating; at blasphemy; at insults to Lord or devotee; bad effect of; by demons toward devotees; by devotees; by Rahūgaṇa; by Rudra principle; cause of;...
activities of, four; as benefited via sacrifice; Caitanya enlightened; as citizens; demons degraded to; as emergency food; human beings compared with; in ignorance mode; in illusion; Kali-yuga as hell for; killing of. See: Animal slaughter. Lord incarnates...
Animal slaughter
animal sacrifice compared with; as abominable; as barbaric; as block to spiritual life; as demoniac, as ignorance; as irreligious; as major vice; as murder; as preached in this age; as sacrifice in primitive religions; as Satan’s philosophy; as sinful; as...
Annihilation of universe(s)
at end of Brahmā’s day; fire at, compared to brahmāstras, . Kṛṣṇa basis of; Lord’s will determines; Lord unaffected by; after Manus; as periodic; by Śiva’s tāṇḍava-nṛtya.
in Arjuna; causes of; devotional service free of; in Kali-yuga; spiritual, vs. material; See also: Fear; Suffering.
Arjuna. See: Arjuna, Aśvatthāmā & …; beheads Pāṇḍava children; as brāhmaṇa, unqualified; brahmāstra of; as degraded murderer; dilemma concerning; Draupadī’s respect for; driven away; as Droṇācārya’s representative; silent.
Buddha deluded; Buddhists as; as challengers to Lord; character of; classes of; creator discounted by; as detached from devotional service; as doomed; earth burdened by; as fools; form of God as discounted by; futility for; heavenly planets free of; leaders...
Attachment, material
as bondage; Dhṛtarāṣṭra renounces; family as; freedom from; as ignorance; liberation from; Lord *above *saved Parīkṣit from *vanquishes ; in modern leaders; Parīkṣit freed of; renunciation of; surrender to Kṛṣṇa ends; Yudhiṣṭhira renounces;...
by Aṅgirā; becoming God via, as impossible; for changing influence acting on us; corollary to serving Kṛṣṇa; defined, 133; demonstrated by Rṣabha; Devakī & Vasudeva performed; as duty for human beings; false & true; goal of; happiness (spiritual)...
Bhīṣma as; body awarded by; cited *on detachment from family life *on Kṛṣṇa’s supremacy *See also: specific authorities cited. decisions according to; devotional service recommended by; hearing from; kings followed; knowledge from; Kṛṣṇa consciousness...
Balarāma, Lord
as Ananta; Arjuna angered; as basis of quadruple expansions; as Duryodhana’s friend; as expansion of Godhead; expansions of; historical accounts on; as incarnation of God; intimacy possible with; as Kṛṣṇa’s brother; as Kṛṣṇa’s expansion; mercy...
See also: Bhagavad-gītā cited, Bhagavad-gītā quoted; accepting, need for; Arjuna hears; Arjuna medium for; as basis for preaching; Battlefield of Kurukṣetra witnessed; bhakti-yoga in; Caitanya as teacher of; compared to sugar candy; conclusion of; as...
as "brāhmaṇa"; club of; Dhṛtarāṣṭra vs.; Duḥśāsana killed by; Duryodhana killed by; Hiḍimbī approached; Jarāsandha vs.; Jatāsura killed by; Lord saved; Maya demon &; parents of; son of; strength of; as warrior; See also: Pāṇḍavas
Arjuna excelled by; arrow-bed of; as authority; in chivalrous rasa; cited. See: Bhīṣmadeva cited; death of; demigod compared with; demigods honored; Dhṛtarāṣṭra reared by; Karṇa vs.; Kṛṣṇa *at deathbed of *favored *glorified *worshiped by...
of Brahmā; conditioned souls bound to; freedom from; of Kṛṣṇa. See: Kṛṣṇa, advent of; Kṛṣṇa consciousness irrelevant to; of Parīkṣit; via past activity; purification at; purification before; second; as suffering; See also: Transmigration...
beginning & progress of; in hearing about Lord; Kṛṣṇa as highest; as normal; saṅkīrtana as source of; separation mood as; See also: Ecstasy, transcendental.
Bodily concept of life
as basis of suffering; dissolved for devotees; false relativity in; fear in; as ignorance; overlording in; as root of despondency; self-realisation destroys; Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam destroys; in Vyāsadeva; Yudhiṣṭhira shucked; See also: Materialism.
Body, material
attachment to; basis of, as mind; basis of, as soul; bondage to; complexity surrounds; consciousness animates; as covering self; at death; death of. See: Death(s); demands of, four listed; desires accommodated by; devotional service spiritualizes; in devotional...
Brahmā, Lord
annihilation & creation in day of; annihilation at night & death of; attributes of Kṛṣṇa in; Bhīṣma compared with; birth of; center of universe contemplated by; cited on submission to Lord; compared to *reflected sunlight *sun ; creation named for;...
defined; impersonalist aspires to; as impersonalist’s goal; impersonalists worship; Lord as; as Lord’s effulgence; as monist’s destination; planets within; Śiśupāla dazzled by; See also: Brahman.
as aspect of Absolute; basis of, Lord as; as basis of material world; beyond modes of nature; bliss in; as cause of all causes; compared to sun’s rays; defined; empiricists aspire to; energies of, three; living beings never impersonal as; Lord as basis of;...
Brahman realization
artificial type of; bliss in; via devotional service; inferior to devotion to Lord; Kumāras taught.
Aśvatthāmā discharged; as atomic weapon; atomic weapons compared with; Lord foiled; Pāṇḍavas *attacked by *saved from ; Parīkṣit *attacked by *saved from ; as science of throwing.
Buddha, Lord
Aśoka patronized; atheists deluded by; challenge to followers of; faith created by; as incarnation of God; as precursor of theism; purpose of; Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam predicted; Vedas rejected by.
Caitanya, Lord
advent of *Advaita caused *reason for; all accepted by; angry at Nityānanda’s being attacked; animals chant with; assistants of; ātmārāma verse explained by; as baby; as basis of incarnations of God; benefit of all as concern of; as Bhāgavatam in person;...
Chanting holy name(s) of Lord
for all people; by Aṅgirā; as beneficial from start; Caitanya as preacher of; Caitanya revived by; at Caitanya’s birth; cleanses heart of all; convenient nature of; as cure for materialism; at death; death overcome via; in devotee’s association; as devotee’s...
to brāhmaṇas; considerations for; by gṛhasthas; for heavenly elevation; as jāta-karma; by Karṇa; by kings; for Kṛṣṇa; by kṣatriyas; by Marutta; proper & improper; at saṁskāras; to sannyāsīs; for spiritual cause; by Yudhiṣṭhira.
Conditioned soul(s)
in all species; Arjuna represented; attributes of Lord in; "awards" for, four listed; Balarāma saves; benefit via Lord’s pastimes; Bhāgavatam satisfies; birth binds; birth of, compared with Kṛṣṇa’s; captivated by creation; as cheaters & cheated;...
body animated via; higher, in human beings; in Lord & living beings; material & spiritual; three states of; See also: Kṛṣṇa consciousness.
Arjuna recovered; calves separated from, in Kali-yuga; dung of; earth as; economic importance of; householders keep; importance of; Kali attempted to kill; Kali hurt; in Kali-yuga slaughtered; killing of *ends civilization *in Vedas; lamentation of, as mother...
Creation of universe(s)
agency of Lord in; atheist’s disbelief in; automatic, as refuted; at beginning of Brahmā’s day; in Causal Ocean; compared to tree’s producing fruits; conditioned souls as basis of; dual purpose of; by glance of Lord; by Kāraṇodakaśāyī Viṣṇu;...
animal, compared with human; as animal slaughter’s penalty; of Bhīṣma; body at; devotee’s meditation at; of devotees not lamentable; for devotees of Lord; of Dhṛtarāṣṭra; duty at; fearlessness at; freedom from; of Gāndhārī; Hindu custom concerning;...
Deity worship
ācāryas authorize; for children; devotional service helped via; fallen souls need; forms of; for gṛhasthas; idol worship confused with; instructions on; as life’s perfection; Lord pleased by; misunderstanding of; purpose of.
administrative; afraid of Hiraṇyakaśipu; animal sacrifice to; Arjuna *pleased *protected ; as assistants of Lord; Aṣṭāvakra blessed & cursed daughters of; Bhīṣma honored by; Brahmā *chief among *origin of ; can’t award liberation; churned sea...
as brāhmaṇas in Kali-yuga; degradation of; as delivered by Lord’s devotees; demigods compared with; devotees vs.; Earth burdened by; as envious; as fools; Jarāsandha as; killed by Kṛṣṇa; "Kṛṣṇa conscious"; Lord *annihilates *rejected by *vanquishes...
Desires, material
body accommodates; devotional service purifies; as ignorance; improper & proper goals for; living beings contaminated by; in living being’s nature; material & spiritual; material life via; pure devotees above; purification of; in serving Lord; transcendentalists...
Devotee(s) of Supreme Lord
able to see Lord; above *competition *illusion *karmīs & jñānīs ; accompany Kṛṣṇa; alone can describe Lord; alone know Lord’s instructions; assisted by Lord; associating with *benefit from *as "birds of a feather" *Caitanya recommends *change brought...
advent of, cause of; anger of; appeared from pillar; as absolute & transcendental; as animal incarnation; as Kṛṣṇa; as Kṛṣṇa’s expansion; as mixed incarnation; as predominating Deity of earthly varṣa; as source of power; Brahmā prayed to; Brahmā’s...
Sex Life
among castes; animal, compared with human; animalistic; animallike; as basis of material life; as binding; as bodily demand; as creation principle; as demon’s interest; as distressful; as impetus for material progress; as material life’s basis; as materialist’s...
& matter combined, living entity as; activity of, adulterated by matter; animal has; as puruṣa; as active always; as active; as aloof from material conditions; as antimaterial; as basis of mind & body; as beauty’s basis; as Brahman; as central generating...
Spiritual master(s)
Absolute Truth present in; Absolute Truth seen by; Absolute Truth via; accept Kṛṣṇa & Gītā; accept Kṛṣṇa’s deeds; accepted as good as Lord; accepted even by Lord; accepting, necessity for; all people should accept; all should become; approached...