General Index

This is the humble beginning of our unified index from the back-of-books indexes.

Absolute Truth

access to, devotion to Lord as; all features realized in Kṛṣṇa; Ambarīṣa aware of; approached by process of knowledge; approached via "dovetailing" process; as acintya-bhedābheda-tattva; as aim of life; as all-knowing; as all-pervading; as ānandamaya; as basis of reality; as Bhagavān; as cause of all causes; as complete whole; as energetic; as full of opulences; as goal *of all works *of Vedic literature *of yoga ; as greatest truth; as impersonal; as inconceivable; as internal and external; as knowing proprietorship of Kṛṣṇa; as Kṛṣṇa; as nirviśeṣaṇam; as objective of devotion; as one & different; as origin of all; as original ingredient; as paraṁ satyam; as person; as personal; as rarely realized; as realized in stages; as reservoir of everything; as seen by personalists & impersonalists; as skylike; as source of everything; as substance of categories; as summum bonum; as transcendental activity; as transcendental to material qualities; as ultimate source; as varṇāśrama’s...


Acyuta, Kṛṣṇa’s forms as; absolute, compared with mundane; as gauge of character; as Lord’s potency; as selfish or selfless; as suffering; association with nature’s modes &; auspicious & inauspicious; body given according to; bondage to; bondage via material; by Viṣṇu via Śiva; caused by Lord; conditioned & liberated; contaminated by nature’s modes; desires determine; devotees transcendental to; devotional compared with fruitive; devotional service opposed by material; devotional service transforms; divisions of; energy source for; five forbidden, in Kali-yuga; for heavenly elevation; for sense gratification; for senses; freedom from reactions via; fruitful, compared with futile; fruitive; * See: Fruitive activities; goal of; hedonistic; illusion of soul concerning; impersonalist falls to materialistic; in Vedas, two types listed; in base modes of nature; in Deity worship; in goodness; in ignorance; in Kṛṣṇa consciousness; in Kṛṣṇa consciousness; in living beings; in passion; instinctive;...


In his books, Srila Prabhupāda often uses simple and relatable analogies to help illustrate complex spiritual concepts. Just as a skilled teacher uses various examples to make a subject matter clear to students, Srila Prabhupāda employs analogies from everyday life to help readers understand the profound truths of spiritual knowledge. For instance, in the Bhagavad-gītā, Srila Prabhupāda compares the material world to a temporary place of suffering, like a hotel where we are just passing through. He also uses analogies such as the sun and the sunshine to explain the relationship between the Supreme Lord and His energies, or the example of a mirror to elucidate the concept of the soul reflecting the consciousness of the Supreme Soul. By using such analogies, Srila Prabhupāda makes the teachings of the ancient Vedic scriptures accessible and relevant to modern readers, helping them grasp the timeless wisdom of spiritual life and apply it practically in their daily lives.


as bodily transformation; as criminal; as ignorance symptom; as ignorance; as ominous sign; as self-defeating; at blasphemy; at insults to Lord or devotee; bad effect of; by demons toward devotees; by devotees; by Rahūgaṇa; by Rudra principle; cause of; conditioned soul covered by; controlled via devotional service; cure for; Dakṣa bewildered by; Dakṣa’s, foreseen by Śiva; detrimental vs. devotional; devotees devoid of; devotees free of; effect of; freedom from; freedom from; ignorance causes; in conditioned soul; in devotee; in hosts; in Kṛṣṇa’s service; in Lord’s universal form; in Pṛthu; in saintly persons absent; increases illusion; Kapila free of; lust causes; mahātmās devoid of; material & spiritual; material, compared with spiritual; mind cause of; need to avoid; of brāhmaṇas & Vaiṣṇavas; of Bhīma; of Brahmā, result of; of Dakṣa at Śiva; of demons toward Vāmana; of Devayānī & Śarmiṣṭhā; of Dhruva at insult; of Diti’s demoniac sons; of Durvāsā toward Ambarīṣa;...


activities of, four; as benefited via sacrifice; Caitanya enlightened; as citizens; demons degraded to; as emergency food; human beings compared with; in ignorance mode; in illusion; Kali-yuga as hell for; killing of. See: Animal slaughter. Lord incarnates in forms of; ominous signs in; protection for; sacrifice of; subsistence struggle among; See also: Species of life; specific animals.

Animal slaughter

animal sacrifice compared with; as abominable; as barbaric; as block to spiritual life; as demoniac, as ignorance; as irreligious; as major vice; as murder; as preached in this age; as sacrifice in primitive religions; as Satan’s philosophy; as sinful; as unjustified; as "sacrifice"; attachment to. See: Attachment; Buddha &; Buddha came to stop; Buddha stopped; Buddha’s opposition to; by Prācīnabarhiṣat; by Purañjana; by sectarian religionists; calamities caused by; chanting counteracts reactions of; civilized men refrain from; condemned; cows excluded from; death penalty for; detachment from; devotee opposes; devotees shun; effects of; for godless food production; God’s law on; Hare Kṛṣṇa movement forbids; hunting; in Kali-yuga; in Koran & Vedas; in name of religion; in religion; in sacrifice; in society; in Vedic sacrifices; irreligious; kinds of, two; Kṛṣṇa consciousness prohibits; kṣatriya kings practice; leaders condemned by; Lord & devotees pained to see; Lord rejects; modern leaders...

Annihilation of universe(s)

at end of Brahmā’s day; fire at, compared to brahmāstras, . Kṛṣṇa basis of; Lord’s will determines; Lord unaffected by; after Manus; as periodic; by Śiva’s tāṇḍava-nṛtya.


in Arjuna; causes of; devotional service free of; in Kali-yuga; spiritual, vs. material; See also: Fear; Suffering.


addresses Kṛṣṇa; anxiety’s symptoms in; Aśvatthāmā arrested by; Aśvatthāmā chased by; Aśvatthāmā’s hair cut by; Aśvatthāmā spared by; Balarama angry at; Bhagavad-gītā revealed to; as Bhagavad-gītā’s medium; Bhīṣma above; as bold Vaiṣṇava; bow of; as "brāhmaṇa"; brahmāstras controlled by; circumambulates Lord; cited on Kṛṣṇa’s supremacy; in conditioned-soul role; "cowherdsmen" defeated; demigods *pleased by *protected by ; descendants of; devotional service changes; dilemma of; Draupadī *awarded to *pacified by ; as Droṇācārya’s student; Droṇācārya teacher of; Duryodhana rescued by; Duryodhana’s arrows taken by; father of; as fighter for Kṛṣṇa; fish target pierced by; Gāṇḍīva weapon of; heavenly planets visited by; historical accounts of; in "illusion"; as indebted to Droṇācārya; Indra *conquered by *honored *protected by ; Jarāsandha with; Jayadratha beheaded by; Karṇa killed by; as Karṇa’s rival; Kṛṣṇa *charioteer of *chastised...


Arjuna. See: Arjuna, Aśvatthāmā & …; beheads Pāṇḍava children; as brāhmaṇa, unqualified; brahmāstra of; as degraded murderer; dilemma concerning; Draupadī’s respect for; driven away; as Droṇācārya’s representative; silent.


Buddha deluded; Buddhists as; as challengers to Lord; character of; classes of; creator discounted by; as detached from devotional service; as doomed; earth burdened by; as fools; form of God as discounted by; futility for; heavenly planets free of; leaders of society as; Lord’s incarnations bewilder; Lord vanquishes; as materialists; misery plagues; penalized via nature; sacrifice rejected by; See also: Demon(s).

Attachment, material

as bondage; Dhṛtarāṣṭra renounces; family as; freedom from; as ignorance; liberation from; Lord *above *saved Parīkṣit from *vanquishes ; in modern leaders; Parīkṣit freed of; renunciation of; surrender to Kṛṣṇa ends; Yudhiṣṭhira renounces; See also: Bodily concept of life; Desires, material.


by Aṅgirā; becoming God via, as impossible; for changing influence acting on us; corollary to serving Kṛṣṇa; defined, 133; demonstrated by Rṣabha; Devakī & Vasudeva performed; as duty for human beings; false & true; goal of; happiness (spiritual) from; for heavenly elevation; of impersonalists; for knowing Vedas; of Kṛṣṇa’s lovers; of Kumāras; Lord teaches; of Māyāvādī monists; of Vasudeva & Devakī; by Viśvāmitra; by Yudhiṣṭhira.


Bhīṣma as; body awarded by; cited *on detachment from family life *on Kṛṣṇa’s supremacy *See also: specific authorities cited. decisions according to; devotional service recommended by; hearing from; kings followed; knowledge from; Kṛṣṇa consciousness via; Lord as; Lord known via; Parīkṣit consulted; Prahlāda as; spiritual master as; Vedic knowledge via; women’s acceptance of Lord’s; See also: Disciplic succession; Mahājanas; specific authorities.

Balarāma, Lord

as Ananta; Arjuna angered; as basis of quadruple expansions; as Duryodhana’s friend; as expansion of Godhead; expansions of; historical accounts on; as incarnation of God; intimacy possible with; as Kṛṣṇa’s brother; as Kṛṣṇa’s expansion; mercy of; name of, meaning of; as Nityānanda; protects devotees; as Saṅkarṣaṇa; sister of; as spiritual master.


See also: Bhagavad-gītā cited, Bhagavad-gītā quoted; accepting, need for; Arjuna hears; Arjuna medium for; as basis for preaching; Battlefield of Kurukṣetra witnessed; bhakti-yoga in; Caitanya as teacher of; compared to sugar candy; conclusion of; as cure for materialism; via disciplic succession; as essence of Mahābhārata; as essence of Vedas; as ever-fresh; false hearing of; as "first book of spiritual values"; as God’s law; as guiding principle for humans; hero of; as identical with Lord; ignorance dispelled by; illusion dispelled by; Indians should broadcast; as kṛṣṇa-kathā; Kṛṣṇa presented via; Kṛṣṇa speaker of; liberation via; as light for this age; as Lord’s sound incarnation; last instruction of; misinterpreted by scholars; mundane literature compared with; need for, in this age; as panacea; philosophical basis of; as preliminary science of Kṛṣṇa; professional recitation of; purification via; purpose of; as relief for conditioned souls; as religion; as "ship" for crossing...


as "brāhmaṇa"; club of; Dhṛtarāṣṭra vs.; Duḥśāsana killed by; Duryodhana killed by; Hiḍimbī approached; Jarāsandha vs.; Jatāsura killed by; Lord saved; Maya demon &; parents of; son of; strength of; as warrior; See also: Pāṇḍavas


Arjuna excelled by; arrow-bed of; as authority; in chivalrous rasa; cited. See: Bhīṣmadeva cited; death of; demigod compared with; demigods honored; Dhṛtarāṣṭra reared by; Karṇa vs.; Kṛṣṇa *at deathbed of *favored *glorified *worshiped by ; Kṛṣṇa’s Godhood accepted by; as Kuru commander; Kuru dynasty led by; as Lord’s "enemy"; Lord’s mercy appreciated by; as mahājana; mystic power of; Pāṇḍavas at deathbed of; as Pāṇḍavas’ "enemy"; Pāṇḍavas protected by; as Pāṇḍavas’ well-wisher; Paraśurāma blessed; prayers by; as preacher; quoted. See: Bhīṣmadeva quoted; repentance by; as ṛṣi; sages at deathbed of; sages compared with; spiritual world attained by; in trance of devotion; Yudhiṣṭhira grieved death of; See also: Bhīṣmadeva cited; Bhīṣmadeva quoted.


of Brahmā; conditioned souls bound to; freedom from; of Kṛṣṇa. See: Kṛṣṇa, advent of; Kṛṣṇa consciousness irrelevant to; of Parīkṣit; via past activity; purification at; purification before; second; as suffering; See also: Transmigration of soul(s).


beginning & progress of; in hearing about Lord; Kṛṣṇa as highest; as normal; saṅkīrtana as source of; separation mood as; See also: Ecstasy, transcendental.

Bodily concept of life

as basis of suffering; dissolved for devotees; false relativity in; fear in; as ignorance; overlording in; as root of despondency; self-realisation destroys; Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam destroys; in Vyāsadeva; Yudhiṣṭhira shucked; See also: Materialism.

Body, material

attachment to; basis of, as mind; basis of, as soul; bondage to; complexity surrounds; consciousness animates; as covering self; at death; death of. See: Death(s); demands of, four listed; desires accommodated by; devotional service spiritualizes; in devotional service to Lord; false beauty of; fate of; health of, lost in this age; identification with. See: Bodily concept of life; inebrieties of, three listed; karma controls; knowledge limited in; mind produces; modes of nature control; nature controls; nature’s laws above; ominous signs in; via past activity; perfection in; preoccupation with; as prison; purpose of; as sexually oriented; social order compared to; soul causes; soul covered by. See: Conditioned soul(s); stages of; as suffering; as temporary; time controls; as whole, analogy of; yoga manipulates; See also: Bodily conception of life.

Brahmā, Lord

annihilation & creation in day of; annihilation at night & death of; attributes of Kṛṣṇa in; Bhīṣma compared with; birth of; center of universe contemplated by; cited on submission to Lord; compared to *reflected sunlight *sun ; creation named for; as creator, *secondarily ; day of, calculated; death of; as demigod; dependent on Lord; in disciplic succession; Dvārakā’s residents compared with; equanimity of; as father; gopīs criticize; as grandfather; as incarnation of Lord; as jīva-tattva; Kṛṣṇa *compared with *taught *worshiped by ; Kṛṣṇa’s Godhood accepted by; life cycle of; Lord in post of; as mahājana; Manus in day of; as mortal; mystic power of; night of; as original Vedic personality; piety of; planet of; as prājapati; prayers of; residence of; Śiva infuriated by; sleeping in yoga-nidrā; taught by Supreme Lord; time controls; worships Kṛṣṇa; worship to.


defined; impersonalist aspires to; as impersonalist’s goal; impersonalists worship; Lord as; as Lord’s effulgence; as monist’s destination; planets within; Śiśupāla dazzled by; See also: Brahman.


as aspect of Absolute; basis of, Lord as; as basis of material world; beyond modes of nature; bliss in; as cause of all causes; compared to sun’s rays; defined; empiricists aspire to; energies of, three; living beings never impersonal as; Lord as basis of; as negation of matter; as Personality of Godhead; self as; Vedānta-sūtra delineates; See also: Absolute Truth; Brahmajyoti; Brahman realization; Supreme Lord.

Brahman realization

artificial type of; bliss in; via devotional service; inferior to devotion to Lord; Kumāras taught.


Aśvatthāmā discharged; as atomic weapon; atomic weapons compared with; Lord foiled; Pāṇḍavas *attacked by *saved from ; Parīkṣit *attacked by *saved from ; as science of throwing.

Buddha, Lord

Aśoka patronized; atheists deluded by; challenge to followers of; faith created by; as incarnation of God; as precursor of theism; purpose of; Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam predicted; Vedas rejected by.

Caitanya, Lord

advent of *Advaita caused *reason for; all accepted by; angry at Nityānanda’s being attacked; animals chant with; assistants of; ātmārāma verse explained by; as baby; as basis of incarnations of God; benefit of all as concern of; as Bhāgavatam in person; biographers of, list of seventeen; biographies of, primary two; books about; as boy; brāhmaṇas envy; caste system rejected by; chanted gopīs names; chanting propagated by; chastises foolish students; "cheating" in service of; childhood of; civil disobedience movement of; claimed to be God at no time; condemns interpreting Vedas; consciousness lost by; criterion used by; "death" (disappearance) of; defeats Keśava Kāśmīri; desired kṛṣṇa-kathā to be spread; as devotee of Kṛṣṇa; devotees as brāhmaṇas in estimate of; devotees of; devotional service taught by; in disciplic succession; diverted by Nityānanda; empowers others; fallen souls elevated by; as "fool" forbidden to read Vedānta; four-handed form of; Gopīnātha Deity visited;...

Chanting holy name(s) of Lord

for all people; by Aṅgirā; as beneficial from start; Caitanya as preacher of; Caitanya revived by; at Caitanya’s birth; cleanses heart of all; convenient nature of; as cure for materialism; at death; death overcome via; in devotee’s association; as devotee’s concern; disciplic line needed for; as duty of all; elevation through; as ever-fresh; fear vanquished via; humility for; identical with Lord; importance of in this age; for Kali-yuga; Kali-yuga counteracted via; Kazi stopped; liberation via; Lord realized via; Lord’s association via; by materialists; by materially impoverished; offenselessly; for peace; proper method of; for protection; by pure devotee; purifying power of; recommended by Pañcarātra; revives senses transcendentally; Śaṅkarācārya recommends; for sannyāsīs; singing meters for; spiritual master directs; unconsciously done; value of; Vedānta study vs.; by Yamarāja; See also: Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra; Saṅkīrtana movement; Glorification about Lord.


to brāhmaṇas; considerations for; by gṛhasthas; for heavenly elevation; as jāta-karma; by Karṇa; by kings; for Kṛṣṇa; by kṣatriyas; by Marutta; proper & improper; at saṁskāras; to sannyāsīs; for spiritual cause; by Yudhiṣṭhira.

Conditioned soul(s)

in all species; Arjuna represented; attributes of Lord in; "awards" for, four listed; Balarāma saves; benefit via Lord’s pastimes; Bhāgavatam satisfies; birth binds; birth of, compared with Kṛṣṇa’s; captivated by creation; as cheaters & cheated; classes of, two described; compared to prisoners; compared with *devotees *liberated souls *Lord ; covered *by material energy *by mind & body ; defects in; degradation of; as degraded in this age; Deity worship for; as delivered by Lord; delivered by Lord’s devotees; depend on Lord; "diseased" activities of, six; in "dreaming" state; duty of, to read Vedic literature; enlightenment of; equal Lord at no time; as expansions of Lord’s energy; as fallen servants; false enjoyment by; flaws of, four; as fool; forgetfulness in matter of; freedom for; fruitive activities bind; goal of, sense gratification as; goddess of fortune pursued by; as "gods"; happiness of; happiness sought by; helped by Supersoul; imprisoned in this world; incarnations of Lord attract;...


body animated via; higher, in human beings; in Lord & living beings; material & spiritual; three states of; See also: Kṛṣṇa consciousness.


Arjuna recovered; calves separated from, in Kali-yuga; dung of; earth as; economic importance of; householders keep; importance of; Kali attempted to kill; Kali hurt; in Kali-yuga slaughtered; killing of *ends civilization *in Vedas; lamentation of, as mother earth; as mother; as offenseless; Parīkṣit’s protection of; protection of *as essential *by kṣatriya kings *by Lord *milk obtained via *need for *by Parīkṣit *peace via *purpose of ; as pure; religious principles from; sacrifice of; in spiritual world; śūdra beat; surabhi; in Vasiṣṭha-Viśvāmitra quarrel; See also: Animal slaughter.

Creation of universe(s)

agency of Lord in; atheist’s disbelief in; automatic, as refuted; at beginning of Brahmā’s day; in Causal Ocean; compared to tree’s producing fruits; conditioned souls as basis of; dual purpose of; by glance of Lord; by Kāraṇodakaśāyī Viṣṇu; Kṛṣṇa basis of; Lord as transcendental to; mahat-tattva as basis of; named according to Brahmā(s); as periodic; puruṣa required for; from skin-pores of Viṣṇu.


animal, compared with human; as animal slaughter’s penalty; of Bhīṣma; body at; devotee’s meditation at; of devotees not lamentable; for devotees of Lord; of Dhṛtarāṣṭra; duty at; fearlessness at; freedom from; of Gāndhārī; Hindu custom concerning; Hiraṇyakaśipu defeated by; as inescapable; as intoxication’s penalty; Kṛṣṇa shelter from; Lord’s separation as; mind at; of Nārada in previous life; of Parīkṣit as Lord’s will; Parīkṣit forewarned of; Parīkṣit prepared for; Parīkṣit unafraid of; pure devotee callous to; as soul’s leaving body; as test; as trance; warning for; Yamarāja controls; yogīs control time of; See also: Transmigration of soul(s).

Deity worship

ācāryas authorize; for children; devotional service helped via; fallen souls need; forms of; for gṛhasthas; idol worship confused with; instructions on; as life’s perfection; Lord pleased by; misunderstanding of; purpose of.


administrative; afraid of Hiraṇyakaśipu; animal sacrifice to; Arjuna *pleased *protected ; as assistants of Lord; Aṣṭāvakra blessed & cursed daughters of; Bhīṣma honored by; Brahmā *chief among *origin of ; can’t award liberation; churned sea for nectar; compared to managers of prison house; as "deathless"; demons vs.; depend on Lord; devotees as; devotees of, compared with Kṛṣṇa’s devotees; devotees please; Dvākarā’s residents compared with; earth visited by; equal Lord at no time; Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu source of; ghastly forms of; goddess of fortune sought by; in goodness; human beings under; incarnations of God as; intoxication by; Kṛṣṇa *above *worshiped by ; Kuntī summoned; Lord *accepts post of *comes to please *& devotees cooperate with *protects *took pārijāta from ; Lord’s eternal associates compared with; as Lord’s servants; opulence of; Pāṇḍavas as; Parīkṣit praised by; at Parīkṣit’s horse sacrifices; as part of Lord; powers of; priest of; as...


as brāhmaṇas in Kali-yuga; degradation of; as delivered by Lord’s devotees; demigods compared with; devotees vs.; Earth burdened by; as envious; as fools; Jarāsandha as; killed by Kṛṣṇa; "Kṛṣṇa conscious"; Lord *annihilates *rejected by *vanquishes as Lord’s enemies; Lord’s form misunderstood by; Lord’s name vanquishes; planets of; scientists as; Śiva worshiped by; society disturbed by; See also: Atheists, Materialists.

Desires, material

body accommodates; devotional service purifies; as ignorance; improper & proper goals for; living beings contaminated by; in living being’s nature; material & spiritual; material life via; pure devotees above; purification of; in serving Lord; transcendentalists above; transmigration of soul via; See also: Attachment, material.

Devotee(s) of Supreme Lord

able to see Lord; above *competition *illusion *karmīs & jñānīs ; accompany Kṛṣṇa; alone can describe Lord; alone know Lord’s instructions; assisted by Lord; associating with *benefit from *as "birds of a feather" *Caitanya recommends *change brought by *Deity form for *despondency absent in *devotees desire *devotion to Lord via *as free *freedom gained via *hearing in *hearing of Lord in *knowledge via *materialism ended via *Nārada’s history of *process of *purifying power of *value of ; association of. See: Devotees, associating with; assured by Kṛṣṇa; attain Lord’s association; attracted by Kṛṣṇa; auspiciousness for; avoid mundane literatures; avoid offenses to other devotees; Balarāma protects; as Bhāgavatam reciters; as bhakti-vedāntas; blasphemy intolerable to; body of, transcendental; bold purpose of; as brāhmaṇas; brāhmaṇas surpassed by; character of; claim to be God at no time; classes of, three; as class of human being; compared to *child of king *patients *rich...

Gadādhara Paṇḍita

Acyutānanda &; Ananta Ācārya &; Bhāgavata Ācārya &; Caitanya accompanied by; Caitanya invited by; as Caitanya’s associate at Purī; Caitanya’s relationship with; Caitanya’s return to Purī &; Caitanya’s sannyāsa acceptance &; Caitanya’s Vṛndāvana journey &; Caitanya tree &; devotees’ criticism of; devotees headed by; as devotional energy incarnate; at Guṇḍicā garden; invitation by; as Kṛṣṇa’s pleasure potency; as Lord’s associate in Purī; as Lord’s energy; as Lord’s internal potency; kṣetra-sannyāsa vow &; Lalitā &; Māmu Ṭhākura &; Mukunda Datta &; Pañca-tattva &; Puṇḍarīka Vidyānidhi &; qualities of; quoted on Caitanya; Rādhārāṇī &; Rukmiṇī &; as śakti-tattva; Sanātana &; sannyāsa acceptance by; Sārvabhauma &; servitude sentiment of; Svarūpa Dāmodara &; transcendental mellows &; Vallabha Bhaṭṭa &; Vṛndāvana &; water sporting by.

Nṛsiṁhadeva, Lord

advent of, cause of; anger of; appeared from pillar; as absolute & transcendental; as animal incarnation; as Kṛṣṇa; as Kṛṣṇa’s expansion; as mixed incarnation; as predominating Deity of earthly varṣa; as source of power; Brahmā prayed to; Brahmā’s promise preserved by; Cāraṇas prayed to; chanting His name recommended; demigods *feared *honored ; demons surrendered to; devotees frightened by; as devotee’s shelter; Earth convulsed by; elephants terrified by; emergence of, from pillar; fearlessness via shelter from; flower shower for; freedom from material desires via prayers to; Gandharvas honored; Gandharvas prayed to; Hare Kṛṣṇa movement protected by; Hari-varṣa residence of; Hiraṇyakaśipu & *See: Hiraṇyakaśipu Nṛsiṁhadeva & ...; Hiraṇyakaśipu killed by; Indra prayed to; kills *Hiraṇyakaśipu *Hiraṇyakaśipu’s soldiers ; Kimpuruṣas prayed to; Kinnaras prayed to; laughter of; liberation by glorifying; Manus prayed to; mission of; Nāgas prayed to; nails & teeth...

Sex Life

among castes; animal, compared with human; animalistic; animallike; as basis of material life; as binding; as bodily demand; as creation principle; as demon’s interest; as distressful; as impetus for material progress; as material life’s basis; as materialist’s sole happiness; as pleasurable duty; as profit, adoration & distinction; as suffering; as supreme material mellow; as unnecessary; āśramas forbidding; attachment to, *as universal *degradation via *detailed *freedom from * See: Attachment, attractive force of, bondage to; Brahmā attracted to; brahmacārī avoids; brahmacārīs abstain from; brahmacārīs prohibited from; brahmacārīs reject; businesses for; by religious principles; by renunciant condemned; checks spiritual life; child uninterested in; cleanliness after; compared to sucking blood; conditioned souls seek; Dakṣa’s facility for; dangers in; death caused via; demigods attracted to; demigods free of; demigods morose after; demons pursue; demons slave for; desire for, by nice atmosphere;...


& matter combined, living entity as; activity of, adulterated by matter; animal has; as puruṣa; as active always; as active; as aloof from material conditions; as antimaterial; as basis of mind & body; as beauty’s basis; as Brahman; as central generating force; as consciousness; as desirous; as dynamic; as element, seventeenth; as eternal; as happy; as individual eternally; as invisible; as life’s cause; as Lord’s energy; as Lord’s part & parcel; as Lord’s separated expansion; as Lord’s servant; as "lost"; as master; as misidentified; as one with & different from Lord; as "one" with Supersoul; as part of God; as principal factor within body; as servant of Lord eternally; as servant of Lord; as Supersoul’s dependent; as Supersoul’s part & parcel; as Supersoul’s servant; as transcendental to material body; as transcendental to material conditions; as transcendental; at conception; at death; atheists deny; beyond *gross & subtle forms *pain & pleasure *mind & intelligence *fatigue *material qualities...

Spiritual master(s)

Absolute Truth present in; Absolute Truth seen by; Absolute Truth via; accept Kṛṣṇa & Gītā; accept Kṛṣṇa’s deeds; accepted as good as Lord; accepted even by Lord; accepting, necessity for; all people should accept; all should become; approached via penance; Arjuna as; as aṣṭottara-śata; as prabhupāda; as essential; as eternal father; as father; as free from vices; as good as Kṛṣṇa; as Kṛṣṇa’s representative; as learned in Vedic literature; as liberated; as Lord in heart; as Lord’s representative; as medium for realizing Lord; as mercy representative of Lord; as misunderstood; as necessary; as one with Lord; as preacher; as preachers for time & place; as saints, scriptures & initiator; as transcendental; as transparent medium to Kṛṣṇa; as well-wisher to all; as within & without; as "captain of ship"; as "equal" with Lord; as "Prabhupāda"; assistant priests of; association with; atheists misunderstand; attained via Lord’s mercy; Balarāma as; Bali disobeyed; bee as;...

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