SB 9.3.25


hantuṁ tam ādade vajraṁ
sadyo manyur amarṣitaḥ
savajraṁ stambhayām āsa
bhujam indrasya bhārgavaḥ


hantum—to kill; tam—him (Cyavana); ādade—Indra took up; vajram—his thunderbolt; sadyaḥ—immediately; manyuḥ—because of great anger, without consideration; amarsitah—being very much perturbed; sa-vajram—with the thunderbolt; stambhayām asa—paralyzed; bhujam—the arm; indrasya—of Indra; bhārgavaḥ—Cyavana Muni, the descendant of Bhṛgu. 


King Indra, being perturbed and angry, wanted to kill Cyavana Muni, and therefore he impetuously took up his thunderbolt. But Cyavana Muni, by his powers, paralyzed Indra’s arm that held the thunderbolt. 

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