yāte śūdre tam anyo ‘gād
atithiḥ śvabhir āvṛtaḥ
rājan me dīyatām annaṁ
sagaṇāya bubhukṣate
yate—when he went away; śūdre—the śūdra guest; tam—unto the King; anyah—another; agat—arrived there; atithiḥ—guest; svabhih avrtah—accompanied by dogs; rājan—O King; me—unto me; dīyatām—deliver; annam—eatables; sa-gaṇāya—with my company of dogs; bubhukṣate—hankering for food. ¶
When the śūdra went away, another guest arrived, surrounded by dogs, and said, “O King, I and my company of dogs are very hungry. Please give us something to eat.” ¶