SB 3.30.19

यमदूतौ तदा प्राप्तौ भीमौ सरभसेक्षणौ ।
स दृष्ट्वा त्रस्तहृदयः शकृन्मूत्रं विमुञ्चति ॥१९॥


yama-dūtau tadā prāptau
bhīmau sarabhasekṣaṇau
sa dṛṣṭvā trasta-hṛdayaḥ
śakṛn-mūtraṁ vimuñcati


yama-dūtau—two messengers of Yamarāja; tadā—at that time; prāptau—arrived; bhīmau—terrible; sa-rabhasa—full of wrath; īkṣaṇau—their eyes; saḥ—he; dṛṣṭvā—seeing; trasta—frightened; hrdayah—his heart; sakrt—stool; mūtram—urine; vimuñcati—he passes. 


At death, he sees the messengers of the lord of death come before him, their eyes full of wrath, and in great fear he passes stool and urine. 


There are two kinds of transmigration of a living entity after passing away from the present body. One kind of transmigration is to go to the controller of sinful activities, who is known as Yamarāja, and the other is to go to the higher planets, up to Vaikuṇṭha. Here Lord Kapila describes how persons engaged in activities of sense gratification to maintain a family are treated by the messengers of Yamarāja, called Yamadūtas. At the time of death the Yamadūtas become the custodians of those persons who have strongly gratified their senses. They take charge of the dying man and take him to the planet where Yamarāja resides. The conditions there are described in the following verses. 

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